The Dance Looks Different These Days
Friday, let the madness of the week and world fade away! It is a perfect fall day! I am home today and the next 2 until it begins again with yet 2 more shifts added to the mayhem! Although I enjoy the "purpose" and the reason for "doing" too. Promoting looks very different from the experiences I have yielded in the past! The dance is different! I have been given the green light to utilize space on a grander scale for my art and communications classes! It has been more than a hot Arkansas minute since I had to preplan and prepare for marketing, prepping and teaching. With the world mostly on economic hold and customers, clients and students watching pocketbooks, my razzle and dazzle needs to be stepped up. Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! That hole is deep, the hat is tall and that frisky rascal wabbit is down there somewhere but in the meantime let's pull the cat out of the bag! Mon-Thurs daytime combined with Sunday evening, I lend my hand, knowledge, and