
Showing posts with the label life and business coaching

Establishing Hard Lines

If I asked you to make a wish, what would it be? Would you wish for a million dollars, a change in direction, a new house, better health, a new job, your kids to be more responsible, to stay more in contact? Would you wish for a redo, a do-over, more time... go back in time and repeat or go back in time and avoid? If you could have a wish, what would it be? My dreams haunt me. I fight and have arguments after arguments trying to get my point across. No one is harder on me than me! My standard of living is higher than most. I am simple but my mind is as complicated as it comes. I do expect people to jump through hoops because I refuse to settle for an average life and will never settle for random routine in a complex world. ... with simple minded-people who are willing to let time go by,  to coerce in a club type setting or to congregate in or with addicted souls, lost trying to belong to anything or anyone that accepts them. That is where people go to pass time and die. Same story, s

Do You Really Know What It Takes...

Have you ever wondered what it really takes to be an effective boss? Have you ever looked at your boss or the person you work with and wonder if they got their skills from a piece of paper in a cracker jack box? How many times have you turned your head sideways questioning the motives of your authoritative's irrational behavior towards the people who work for them? C'mon we have all done it... we all have wondered how certain people get in the positions they are in when we know they are no more qualified to have a staff, run a business or even talk nonetheless to anyone in the public. Just because someone owns a business (you hope they are qualified) to run a staff and do it in a professional manner.  Any person in an authoritative position... just because they demand respect, it does not mean they deserve the respect nor will they ever gain it if not leading by example and showing respect to the people who for them and are loyal to them. I have seen it in so many different

It's All In The Making...

Its all in the making isn't it? Aren't we all works in progress? Steps in motion? A process of growing and learning. Strategically finding out whats real and where all our the passion really lays? Working from home... I am living by my calendar and planner. I am setting up sessions and classes... and taking on full-time responsibilities adhering to my plan and goal. My financial responsibilities have not changed... I am still accountable for all my actions...     For too long, I did everything by myself stretching everything possible to survive, flourish and create this life I have been trying to live.  Living minimally works for me and I am able to have it all and do it all! Change happens...  it is said" You improvise, overcome and adapt" (Its a mental and emotional thing! This mind does not shut off and I think constantly... Ok what's next?) With very mixed emotions a tenure this past  Jan came to its end. After years of devout loyalty on my part... A par