
Showing posts from November, 2019

I Speak'th The Business

I flip flop back and forth between my art, my writing, youtube creating (speaking) and business coaching. I have built my business around the multi-faceted entities that keep my business up and running and keep my audience interested in WHAT I AM DOING NEXT!  Today's social media audience needs to be entertained as much as informed! "Niching down", that is the buzz phrase now. Although it would make sense to a new entrepreneur who is just starting out to do just one thing that they are really good at til they are known for that one thing! But... I disagree! 100% As an entrepreneur especially a creative-minded person, you are good at many things. Your gift or talent is more than just one thing. This widely differs from someone who studied one trade and they are ONLY focused on that one trade for the rest of their routine life to make a  constricted living. That person works under a cap. They can only go so high on the pay scale because some BIG INDUSTRY has set the inc

Lets Cut Thru The Chase

Can we get to the chase? What good is being a business owner, a small entrepreneur or a person  who just wants to speak about her ability to produce! Whether it be in something she creates, a product she represents or a service she provides, that person needs to be able to represent who she is in the best possible light! ( now I’m not talk’n diva lighting!) I’m talking about how her customers are viewing her and her capabilities to inform! As a business coach, I teach women even in the production of the most simplest platform it does  not need to be complicated. Time is our best commodity and how we choose to use it greatly shows in our RETURNS! The return customer for the return purchase! When I started out a few years back, I truly thought I needed to have the best lighting, the best camera, the newest phone, the best studio etc… What I found out was I needed to have the best  content to inform on the products I had been representing. Even as I still work

What Is Your Claim To Fame?

What did not kill me only made me be aware of my greatest strengths! My greatest strengths that made me realize my personal claims to fame... and the many things I am to be so proud of! It is not the biggest mistake of our lives that makes us come to a reckoning with self but the realization of what one considers to throw away... another swoops up and calls it a treasure!  Ya know "girls like me (us) that are so into ourselves" (that will never get old! lol) that look at the life ( those moments) we were told we had to live; only to be cast aside because us girls like me didn't fit into someone else's selfish agenda, expecting to give up more than we had and submit and comply to a life because someone else could not see the diamond in the rough just waiting for the opportune moment to shine existence towards another way of living. Control is how one can force their way onto someone else's life making it look like it is a benefit for all but really only serving

The Ability To Change It Up

You know from time to time, I love to change up what I do! As an entrepreneur, you are given the freedom to change as many times as you need to serve your business and what works best for you as a business owner. Often times not everything I do has an income-based motive behind it! More than often when I am doing something for free or even just telling a story… it is for my followers to understand a little bit more about WHO I AM and WHAT I AM ALL ABOUT. As an influencer and a speaker… my words or the story I am telling has more to do with my personality. I totally get I am not going to mesh with whoever stumbles across me! (and I am ok with that) Its when you as a business owner get comfortable speaking many “gifts and talents” the right buyer will come along and stick to your words like glue! I love to cook! For horse’s sake, I am Italian...what else would you expect? I can talk you to death and force-feed you! When I partnered with the GOURMET CUPBOARD it gave me ample time t

What Doesn't Kill You

What does not kill you makes you stronger... but in the process, parts of you die. That statement alone applies to so many factors! Including crossing that bridge in Charleston SC (to learn more about that you need to go to my YouTube Channel and give a listen "Fear"!) I am back from our 8-day trip! It was once again eye-opening and heart wrenching of another kind. Blissful and healing of all ways. Reflections and purposeful mind keeping moments as I walked the beach. I tried to recall every detail from the last 15 years and I etched all the moments recounting the last 5! I tattooed on the inside of my eyelids these current years. ( so when I close my eyes, I vividly can see)  Lots of miles, Lots of heartache, lots of joy and lots of "ah ha" revelation awakenings. A person can never move forward without understanding where they have been. A person with a real conscious can not erase what has happened in their life and turn blind eyes because they choose to no lo