
Showing posts with the label beauty

If I Tell You My Story...

I opted to do things a little different here... See one can't sit on her laurels and expect things to happen. We have come upon a new age, where internet marketing takes a precise plan... and to do just one thing is no longer possible. The strategy to get your message across... has nothing to do with sales, although sales is the bottom line, it is how you can connect what you do... across the board with a message someone wants to hear and someone wants to follow and become your greatest advocate... for what you do! and in turn, will share and talk your walk... so somewhere down the line... you become ...  ACCOMODITY! to those that need...whatever it is you are selling! If I tell you my story... is it something you really want to know? Are my words or my life that important that someone is going to "stalk" (lol) my social media pages. Oh, and it happens!!! Am I making that big of a difference in anyone's life that they would want to purch