One Nation Under_______ With Liberty and Justice For All

 It has been quite the week, has it not? Whichever side of a fence you have fallen, REMEMBER, America, The U.S. is a business and should be run as such! And for those that have bitched and moaned about a person's character biased by the mainstream media, let me be the one to bring it to your attention; I will say a good 30% of you know someone very close who has abused, emotionally, physically and financially someone extremely close to you and you still supported that abusive person! Let's call that spade a spade!

As a whole, if these last 4 years have not devasted your business, livelihood, or bank account, I will also say, you're in finance/you or your significant is in hedge funds, you or your significant has their pension or a hefty 401, you own multiple properties or you have invested in the stock market which has fluctuated so much you have lived life on pins and needles! but yet that cushion has given you bragging rights(or so you feel) While the rest of us peasants have gone considerably without, losing business and income! All the while still going to a job and creating side hustles to just keep our heads above water and barely food on the table!

Yes, this week has been incredible and to listen to the many conversations I have overheard this week, get a grip!

For the rest who feel they needed a "spokesperson" dumber than a box of rocks to tell you it is ok to be different, I ask as a life coach, why would you need permission from anyone to give you an ok to be accepted. Your acceptance has to come from within first! You as a human being on this planet to give yourself the CONFIDENCE to be different and LEARN to make something of yourself because of your UNIQNESS! In this world, it takes all kinds to make this world go around! If you are waiting for anyone to give you the green light to be who you are it is your personal insecurity that is holding you back! And in that same discovery, you are then NEVER to force that on someone else who is not in your same position.

While I am on this soapbox and probably pissed someone off already by this point, thinking outside of the box, being different, and or feeling entitled to something you have never worked for... I am removing your participation trophy. Go shower! Get dressed! Look in the mirror and find some pride in how you look and how you are presenting yourself to the world! The sloppy dishelved look has to come to an end! Take your sweats off! Find PANTS!!!! Women put a bra on and get out of that same T-shirt you have worn now 4 days in a row! WASH YOUR HAIR!  (I am so over this)

Open your medicine cabinet and address your prescription pills and then look at who you are attached to! If you were a functioning healthy person before this "entity" and "person" let me introduce you to the words, co-dependent, gaslighting, and manipulation! #narsisstic Odds are you are depressed by the environment you have chosen to associate with!

The decline of personal APPEARANCE has gone out the window. The terms comfortable and lazy have coexisted for far too long. Where is your pride? It is not ego to keep yourself WELL KEPT!

Earlier this week, I had one of those days, I knew I would be cut early. I was showered and make-up on! My hair was in a bun and I threw on my camo leggings and an oversized shirt. {It actually is my traveling attire} Going into my job, I felt bad for dressing so casually! And although it was mentioned how comfortable I looked. It went well against my grain for being in this state! The people you address daily, your face, and your image say so much about who and or what you are representing! And you know my pet peeve for women who are at home, who refuse to put themselves together! You are a schlep and your husband is a visual man! You should care how you look not only for you but for him! The end period! #hugepetpeeve ( It shows you don't care)

And for the man who says, I don't like a woman who wears a lot of make-up or offers snide remarks, who are you dressing up for? 


1. She wants to look good... for not only you but for herself!

 2. Maybe you need to up your game! She wants her man TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF! GROOM AND MAINTAIN YOUR HEALTH!

This society we live in has become so sloppy and lazy when it comes to dressing and the appearances offered to the world show! It's a disgrace.

The United States sets precedence on so many different matters. Where once Camelot existed cameltoe has taken stage. (broad expression take it as you feel }The American dollar is dependent on surrounding countries! Our military and our elaborate defense mechanisms set a standard not only for our country but for our allies that need us! I would much rather be protected and made safe than to worry about a mean tweet because someone is offended and needs a safe room to cry! {I have lived my whole life based on my emotions and feelings and thus far have never needed a safe room but with the other idiot, I felt I needed a bomb shelter)

Yes, this week has been exhilarating! Where I feel a sense of peace, I understand things will change according to how a country should be run on PRINCIPLE AND ETHICS! There must be a standard of measure on economic issues and there must be a clarification on Women's health! Possibly an education for these young women needing to understand, that abortion is not a reproductive /problem/issue but an abstinence situation! Hey, I am not stupid so do not get it twisted, and as I have taught many young girls in my care... there are benefits and consequences, choose your moments wisely and understand, that you are responsible(and your partner) for that choice and its outcomes!

As my manager and I were talking this week, she said, "The country needs to be run by a single mom" She can balance the budget and will show all how to stretch .15cents! Laughing I said, " I will do it with a wooden spoon too! Don't you dare cross me I will chase you through this country... Yelling, You look like Scubby Dada (sloppy mess)... get dressed, watch your mouth, and go to work!"

It is just the beginning! People have faith! Again look at your household, bank accounts and how expensive life has been in a land that is bountiful! There is more than enough to go around!

The US sets precedence for all other countries! Good God understand that principle!

Kitryn Marie

Ps; It's more than alright if you do not agree with me! It is OK! It takes a whole bunch of us to make this land of ours GREAT AGAIN! 

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