
Showing posts from 2021

Leaps Of Faith

 I am sitting here this morning going over quite a few scenarios in my head. The psychological issues associated with money and those that attach to that mighty dollar. Once someone told me,  "If you can't be happy you might as well make money" Where I think if you have nothing else to concentrate on or if you live your life in lack, or if somehow you were told as a child "if you do not have a measurable amount of the greens... you are not worth anything!" or is it your fear of not having it, nothing to keep you secure, stable or validated that keeps you in a perpetual motion of chasing it. Money leaves you with the ease of convenience but it does not make who you are as a person. I watched my dad chase that dollar til he had so much that when he died; he really did want to take it with him. His own validation came down to how much money he could acquire. It was his own insecurity of having nothing growing up & he became obsessed with its commodities so it s

How we became and can unbecome what we thought to be true

 Psychology has many facets of life; the intricate weaves of birth order, generational curses, and how being product of environments plays out throughout all of our lives. As the oldest of 2 but the oldest out of 5 cousins that lived in close proximity, I took a separate path. I have always been more of an observer. In a house full of chaos, separating myself from some of the madness, all of my inquiries, information or general thoughts where I have sought some solution has always come in the silence. As the oldest, the one who had the most expectations from the elders, it was impeded that my path be separate to lead. The only problem was once I realized I was not like them... I tried with every ounce of stubbornness to separate from the herd. I never wanted to belong but there I was stuck in the middle of loud, crazy and heritage commotion. Generational curses... The first 5 years of a child's life imprints the next 15 years of things to come. Influence and who makes the most impa

The Other Side...Of What?

 I think where I last left you, last blog post, I was stepping back. I was changing things, redirecting, grabbing my camera and heading... SOMEWHERE! As an entrepreneur, you get to change it as many times as you desire! You wear many hats, many glasses, switch up products and you get to offer as many services as you are talented to do! Since our last visit, I rejoined AVON and re-signed with the Gourmet Cupboard. I also am waiting on status to be a brand ambassador for l'ange hair products and tools! I have ordered new business cards for my photography, I had another art show and I had a fabulous painting class that I taught for 11 women! I had 4 brand new tires put on my car and again had some exhaust issues fixed on the vehicle that at this time, I am keeping instead of trying to maintain a new car payment. That may have more to do with new car payment vs horse board! I said I was stepping back but it looks like I just went in another direction... AGAIN! The podcast set up I had

Where The Road Begins

 I think months back, I talked about what I identify with. Quite honestly this morning, I identify with being extremely tired and thrust forward...mentally exhausted. Burnout and all the notions that accompany trying to maintain a business under ridiculous restrictions. I have given myself permission to just take some time off from quite a few things that in previous years "made" the business what it was. The inconsistency due to no fault of my own has taken a toll. Not to mention, the general public can not think for themselves and they have become obsessed with the conditioning that has filtered into their subconscious via news, political platforms and a virus that is not going to kill them; therefore leaving me at odds because I have based my business on in-person learning or in-person photography. Human beings are meant to associate and do better learning in environments where other people thrive. We are not meant to spend hours in a day in front of a computer screen. It

Why, It's Business...Or Is It?

  Don't you hate it when people say, "its business" don't take it personally? Doesn't it get under your skin when the people that should be the closest to you or should be the most loyal to your relationship, goes behind your back, spreads lies and hires (or uses someone else's service) from someone that has done you so wrong! Don't you get so frustrated when people see what you do and what you have to offer, making small niceties in a general conversation to your face but never buy or share anything that you do? (via social media or in-person conversations with others) Oh Yes, it goes against a person's grain and it happens all the time! In all of our lives, some just hide their actions better than others. How many times have you had a person you know that could use some part of a service that you do but for what ever reason truly if there is not something in it for them (a gain of sorts) or if they see the attention is given more on to you than what

Where The Bell Tolls

 For who the bell tolls? It is so people-y out there I can barely leave my house. The influx of stupidity has exceeded my capacity of brain waves. A bunch, a gaggle, a herd, too many that have stopped thinking for themselves, waiting on some "shot" to make their lives sane and normal again. The over-politicized and publicized plague so the powers to be can gain more $$$$ to their books while insisting it is not safe to venture beyond real life! It has been extremely hard for me to look at some and truly not question who ties their shoes for them? SMH Although I believe in tact and etiquette, I feel some of these individuals need to be put in check so they can see how irrelevant they sound. Or if I read of one more thing becoming open to the general public again but in big bold letters... it says, "MASK MUST BE WORN"  For that reason alone I will not attend! I will stay far and wide and not associate because I really just want to yell, "do you know how ridiculou