
Showing posts from May, 2019

Glance In That Great Big Karmic Mirror

You are only as good as you once were! What if you were always good? ( and no one ever recognized it) OR What if you never were? ( and now the story is coming to light!) What if your whole M.O. was to get all you could from whoever you were with? Gaining whatever material goods you could acquire while you were pretending to be so GOOD? Lots of conviving con artist out there... with the lowest of self-esteem. People who have felt such entitlement because their sense of worth came down to who was "Giving it to them" The adult taker who has lived his whole life milking the good of others! From as early as my teens, if it was not drilled in my head to be responsible for self. Take pride in earning your own money! (My dad!)  Be Presentable! Be ladylike... but take no shit (advice from A. Phyllis) altho don't rock the boat (My grandma) Say what you mean and mean what you say! (again my Gram!) Now go out in the world and be happy! Don't be miserable like us! ( My A. Sara)

Ability To Change And Your Willingness To Do So

The ability to change up your life, your job, your happiness, your location ...your disposition, depends on how willing you are to change the stagnant environment that you have allowed yourself to form and live in. Time is fluid and headspace... matters! Your mindset has to be at its most prime to be willing to go through some pretty uncomfortable situations in order to grow and change from what you have only known! A person cannot keep doing the same thing hoping miraculously something is going to give when you are downright miserably unhappy. Miserable comfort zones often exist in our surroundings without fail... it is just easier to keep doing the same thing over and over and over. Growth requires change! Growth hurts in ways inconceivable to the average Joe who never challenges hims elf. He never learns to trust what is so unfamiliar seeing where it can lead... he ends up often right back to where he started! He threw in the towel and gave into ...the same! When you choose the sam