
 My crayon box is full, and they are SHARP (say sharp with a Boston accent. It's more impressive). It has been another week from hell, and today is my only day off. What exciting things can I accomplish today? How far can I push myself in 12 hours? I've been up since 5ish! Got the dogs on hold for breakfast... need to pound a few keys out first! The written words of wisdom! {keep minding my business!}

Besides the usual, WTH is wrong with people, let me tell you about this lady, I had the not-so-lovely experience with. Ya know the one that thinks if she complains it should be free! Or the one that winks, if I can slide an extra something onto her plate, she will be forever indebted to me... ya know the one that got charged a 2.00 difference because she couldn't get the soup and salad with fried chicken as the lunch special? Yeah, that one that ran me back and forth 4+ times because she didn't like the beer cheese soup! {it had chunky vegetables and she couldn't understand where the beer was in it!!!!}WT DOUBLE F! Oh this gem of a c.nt had the audacity to go to my manager who literally laughed in her face when she said "I was below a substandard of 0 as a server"  My manager along with the kitchen manager said, " you are not talking about Kit. She is one of our best servers" 

I had warned the director. I said watch this woman is going to complain... trust me it was the running joke of the day from hell, watching this subpar of a human do the dance of manipulation trying to get me fired! Jokingly I said, "Am I fired?" In unison, they all yelled NO! We all laughed... and the woman from hell, sat there my whole shift and gave me the death glare! The general manager said, "just stare back" {I am too old for this sh.t} The kicker she expected to drink for free also! The night tender said, " you're done!" Bye!

People... their 60.00 meal; No tip... and she gloated about it. She also thought the manager comped her meal! Ha! No, she did not! I had already run the card... Needless- to - say, on this particular day, I lost revenue. 

I believe this distressing day also, the back brakes went out on the truck! Nothing like driving down river des Peres and realizing, I am free falling basically as the back end was going out! Look I am known as a risk taker but stunt work is not in my contract! So as I not so glided the truck into the lot of my car mechanic, the look of sheer panic and mental distraught, clearly showed! Oh to add wonder and awe to this, the front brakes were going too. Have I mentioned I live a charmed life?!

Oh us girls, so into ourselves, who have had to put my art and art communication business on a back burner, I am losing out on an extra 800.00 a month in income. As my dad used to say, "You can't turn a pig's ear into a silk purse" The general public and my contacts do not have the funds for anything enriching to add value to their life when they are just trying to hold on to the value of their dollars! It is the entrepreneur who suffers!

I remind myself! I am a commodity! I have marketable skills! I have what someone wants and my talents far exceed the person who is set in concrete with a small mind!!!!! Ingenuity is the mother of invention and I am creative enough to figure this all out... Everything is figure-outable! Everything!

I have had no issue meandering through this house and organizing, plotting, and planning how this twist of fate is going to work in my favor! It always does!

Downstairs on several shelves, I have 40 paintings. Those paintings mostly are from the classes I have taught. Perspective and perception mixed in with a whole lot of color. This is my life! It's how I see things! It's how I operate and maneuver through all conditions that I encounter. It is one woman's view of images and the things that shape our thoughts which turn into ideas... I have blank canvasses I will get out today and set them on the various easels I have. I will study and I will stare at them until a spark of ingenuity entices me to make some sort of ASMR to soothe out the mishaps of this week. My voice will surface and the prepping of a video will be made. #plottwist 

I am fine! I am fine! I AM FINE!

Another note... someone is still minding my business! Do not think for one moment I am not aware someone is combing every bit of the words I am writing or things I am posting. I see the view counts and I am mostly notified when my FB business page goes off the rails from people snooping!

What are you looking for? What do you think you're gonna find? Is there something I can help you with? (It's what I say to my dogs when they stare at me ) I am an open book! If you are not feeling my energy or you are remorseful in your actions or behavior, those are your reflections. I have written numerous accounts of situations, clarity, awareness, etc all wrapped up in adventures with experience based on life coaching and psychology! People places and things... so where you fit into any of it depends on how whomever has affected or impacted my life! So again, Can I help you? What do you think you are going to UNDERSTAND by combing the pages?

I write like I speak... I take action by the forces of emotion that forge from the hippocampus of my brain! Nothing to hide all to share... for inspiration, entertainment and to educate anyone who has an open mind and a willingness to acknowledge a trickle-down effect! AND ITS IMPACT ON OTHERS.

It is not what you lose but what you have left! It then is about what you choose to do about any of it!

My crayon box is full and trust me it is SHARP! ;) In my best BOSTON accent!

Kitryn Marie

It is like reinventing the wheel! The power... behind it!

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