
Showing posts from April, 2020

Its Not About Being Right

Sarcasm has become my new tone. It is not about being right but about pointing out some chilling facts with a hint of snark removing all fluff for the sake of protecting sanctity. We are weeks into a fear tactic lockdown and in my professional opinion no different than that relationship some have been coerced into believing. "It is for your own good, I am protecting you... you are just better off this way." Blindsiding and removing your ability to be a critical thinker for yourself! Hows the handler job going? Ya know that position that promised you a better life ... "if you could just come here, listen to my view, fall my lies and please try and keep up with my antics! No, you stay put while I go and try to find some way to escape what I created because this is not what I signed on for!" Big talk'n narcissism to bide time while aggravation, anxiety and gaslighting are building up so they can come up with a plan to bail... and once again become the hero! {Thei

Choices And Freedom

Oh hi! How are you? Some crazy sh.t, right? Man, you look so familiar, do I know you? Do you remember who I am? Let me RE-INTRODUCE myself because I do believe you have forgotten with all the shuffling and reorganizing and searching for, while ignoring, thinking the problem was someone else, dodging responsibilities and all accountability for your choice in shortcomings; sadly, you looked for an easy way out and did not have the stamina to work it out, you found it not necessary to search for your own clarities, ignoring, seeing though, that would be a hard challenge that you were not cut out for because you are not wired for and refused to see... The Truth! {Dismiss, pass along, next...nope next...and again... onto another} Thank goodness for choices and the freedom to see the result from all actions taken! Now, do you remember who I am? Ahhh yes, that's right, I am Kityn Marie! While we are seeing the biggest crisis of our lifetime over a "VIRUS" let me please expla

Do Not Worry

On this day, my focus, this view out my window, through my soul and at the world at large: I say to you, "Happy Easter!" or as my sister used to say when she was very little, "Happy Daddy Donald Ducky Day!" { A stuffed duck with polka dot pj's that was given to her one Easter, that she carried for years with her!} I'm sitting here looking out my front window contemplating the day. A half a pot of coffee is in me, dogs have been out 2ce already... the rain has come and gone. A special meal is planned for dinner; a lemon roasted encrusted parmesan rotisserie chicken with my famous hot stuffing and I'm thinking, most definitely bacon fried smashed Brussel sprouts for the veggie of choice, for me and the kid. (It is what I do! It is who I am... ) This view out my window, a redbud tree which is in full bloom in the prettiest of a purple shade with a full resounding serenade from the morning birds echoing into the world... "spring and all its glory is

Affairs Of The State

As much as I would like to discuss politics, I will not! I have dropped enough cues, prompts, comms and inuendos over the last 7 years, very much explaining and offering a more than substantial informative guide for any interested party to take notice. My information leaks, has been based on my hard work, hands-on approach, heart-input, my intel, my eye witness, in conjunction with what I have studied, endured and proceeded in gathering, collecting all pertinent materials for BUILDING A BUSINESS designed for Creative minded women who just want more out of their life! My business, "KM Designs A Writers Mind" my art, my writing, my photography, my speaking, my teaching, my influencing, my coaching in life and in business was based on a life long dream that took years to put into play because for years had been derailed by a bi-product, bi-partisan, propaganda agenda self-serving party that sadly could not look beyond a stifling environment in which was thought to be "BIBLE

You Are Of Value

In times like these! I just got off the phone with my oldest, who questions his talents, acquisitions and accomplishments, certifications, awards, his service to a medical community and his resilient strength and faith to his God! (the almighty one!) My oldest who looks like something out of a GQ magazine says in this shaking time on our earth, " Mom have I done enough?" Now of course as any good mother would say or do... I get on my soapbox and start yelling, calling out and naming every one of his accomplishments! I have to yell so he will not interrupt. I have to speak loudly and adamantly because that's what Italian moms do! I have to speak over him...drowning out and squashing his need to second guess "what else could I have done?" We do at the time, what we think we have to do in order to "get by" We create our lives based on what someone else feels we need to do for them! Then when the expectation does not meet the standard that someone else