
Showing posts from August, 2018

A Bird's Eye View

If you started with what you know and what you were capable of doing, could you imagine how far you could get and how quickly you would get there? With all that you have experienced in life and in love, think of all the things you have endured and gotten through? The good not outweighing all the shitty things that have occurred or the horrific behaviors of what has been done... but look We are all standing! Experience shapes us and molds us into beings we NEVER thought we would become. Some turn into monsters wreaking havoc in others lives and some recover from the monsters and go on to a higher valued life filled with purpose and meaning! I stopped looking at things in a straight view a long time ago. My view now more of a triangular shape a bird's eye view with a peripheral vision that extends to what most dare to even view. (that is only because of how intuitive I am. I sometimes can see and predict what is going to happen. Like I have said, I know more than what I usually say

The Beauty Of Having Grown Children ...

I am a little late in writing this week. With the upcoming changes to my business and a wonderful working/pleasure vacation that is happening in 2 weeks, I can hardly contain my enthusiasm. That is the beauty of having children grown and gone and 1 with feet in a direction; raised to maintain and function on his own while I travel and work. The joys of not being strapped down by a young one at home. I can't imagine at this age any other way! (The challenges that would be posed ... mind boggling!) At this point in life to enjoy living means the freedom of adventures and seeing what opportunities arise while earning a grand income! All the years I stayed home with my older 2 and now with the youngest taking shape into adulthood, I am blessed for this glorified return to a life meant for me to pay forward what I have learned and share the lessons on how to make life work at a healthy conducive pace. Teaching those that are striving for financial freedom and to get out of Corporate

You Are Never Too Old And It Is Never Too Late

You are never too old and it is never too late but it is smart to question all motives involved and be very aware of those that are in something just to gain something for the wrong reasons. Whether it be in business or personal relationships. Always do your homework and see what others in your like-minded groups are doing. Although there is more than enough to go around, no one should feel like they are competing with some entity that does not even compare to who you are or what you are trying to achieve. There is always going to be a critic and there will always be someone who is jealous of your efforts and success. The old adage says, " Be aware of the gossip from a man who can't have her and from the women who will never be able to compete!" Also be aware of those that pit against you all the accomplishments you have achieved but yet will find one tiny flaw in what you do and make a very big deal out of it! Jealously is a monster of its own. Know when to walk away a

It Is Human Nature To Look Back

We compare our life to what we had to what we currently have now. It is human nature to look back on different situations and wonder "if a certain act" didn't take place where would you be now? How would you be living and even sometimes we think if you could go back and change that one incident would you? We each live in a trickle-down affected world. One person's actions very much affect us. Especially if that person was close in proximity to the relationship. Each of our personal motives has such an impact on those around us at the time of ... In a recent video I made, I briefly talk about we all come with baggage. How we choose to unpack that baggage is another story. Depending on the severity of certain situations it can carry with us the rest of our life. Hurt is hurt and damage is damage and there are somethings the mind never can comprehend especially when the act was deceitful and purposely intended to cause emotional harm to another for personal gain.  It i