
Showing posts from March, 2018

Establishing Hard Lines

If I asked you to make a wish, what would it be? Would you wish for a million dollars, a change in direction, a new house, better health, a new job, your kids to be more responsible, to stay more in contact? Would you wish for a redo, a do-over, more time... go back in time and repeat or go back in time and avoid? If you could have a wish, what would it be? My dreams haunt me. I fight and have arguments after arguments trying to get my point across. No one is harder on me than me! My standard of living is higher than most. I am simple but my mind is as complicated as it comes. I do expect people to jump through hoops because I refuse to settle for an average life and will never settle for random routine in a complex world. ... with simple minded-people who are willing to let time go by,  to coerce in a club type setting or to congregate in or with addicted souls, lost trying to belong to anything or anyone that accepts them. That is where people go to pass time and die. Same story, s

It's Not All Black and White and There Are Certain Boundaries

It's not all black and white and there are certain boundaries! Any fool rushes into quick decisions without understanding the full repercussions of the situation in its whole entirety! There are people willing to commit too fast and there are the ones that need to stay on the fence line and see how it plays out! (this applies to both personal and business) I can give textbook examples, case studies... or use my own personal story! The willingness to commit is a huge undertaking. All people are not equipped the same. Some constantly will have their toe in the water testing but still be looking on the shore for a better option... a different choice. I have very many irons currently in my fire. I am implementing business practices and have my toes twinkling in many directions. (my head though does not twist backwards so I have no need to look to the shore) I am focusing on the here and now! The only willingness I have to commit to is the pizza I "might" have for dinner!

Lost and Now Found... Probably NOT!

I do love when people say, I found Jesus! Any spiritual person knows, Jesus was never lost... Been right there the whole time! There is then the person that exclaims, I was trying to find myself... as if all the bad and horrific behavior excuses the person's actions declaring that the person was lost and aimlessly causing havoc in peoples lives without knowing. Kinda mind boggling... isn't it? Yes people do go through many phases in their life and yes you do learn lessons from experiences but when a person intentionally sets forth and does the same thing over and over and over, with malintent, you are not looking for yourself. You are setting up in motion destruction and implodement in peoples lives.  The person who is trying really hard to find themselves doesn't live life on a train track derailing every person they come into contact with. Finding oneself is the action of bettering their life and adding something of value to another! A person who has mimicked behavior

Mr Bus Driver This Is My Stop

Mr bus driver this is my stop, please this is where I get off... Are you familiar with that feeling? You want to scream "Stop and let me the hell off?" You look back at all those people on that "bus" and wonder, why in the hell are you on here? Zombified people aimlessly going along for a ride that goes in a circle after circle... THE ROUTE DOES NOT CHANGE! and they are so caught up thinking they are going somewhere... forgetting where their stop is! Mind-blowing... Stuck in this circumstance that says "well if you get on here it will take you there"... the problem is most don't know where there is! "The wheels on the bus... go round and round...up and down" We have stopped and started so many times in our life that there is no real destination anymore... because no one realizes their continued pattern in the journey. Their whole life has been made up of stops and starts. There has been no call to the action. There has been no form of con