
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Sum Of All Things

Right now with what you have to work with, look in the mirror. Assess your life! Does it add up? Can you look at where you are and with everything you have done for yourself and may have done towards another good or bad, does it make sense? Do your actions equal the sum of being a decent human being who has done the very best within oneself to do what has been best for another? Do you realize self-executive decisions are not for you to make? You do not get to make a decision for another person's life without fully understanding the consequences of that action! If the action has been self-serving to get you off the hook from a responsibility or to get you out of a situation so you do not have to take accountability for the harm and damaged you caused, one needs to look in the mirror and seriously question all motives! How do you live with yourself knowing what you did? What you caused? and all the emotional upheaval that happened because of_________________! (fill in your own blan

The Secret Lies With...

Why can't the truth just be told? Why does a person feel the need to sneak, hide, deceive another? What goes through that individuals mind? Do they think, "well if I do this, they will never know and if they never find out, I can get away with it! and if they don't find out then it really never happened right?" Is this the way a liar thinks? Is this the way a con person believes? Somehow did I miss the memo on how the narcissistic player's handbook is written? How foolish can one person be that he/she feels the truth never will surface? Oh, love, the secret does not stay with Charlotte! As I was taking my life coaching classes I learned so much! I loved learning the why's into what I had seen in full action! I also love to write, it has made some of my best character references and storylines because art is life in full motion. Right in front of everyone's eyes sh.t happens and the ones that buy into the lie have been made out to be the biggest fool yet!

If It Cost Me My Peace... I Am Broke!

If it cost me my peace, I am done spending! If you knew how long it took me to rebuild my world of calm, you would understand why there is no room for anger at all! As if growing up in a violent household was not enough; the 8-year explosive relationship I was in was the icing on the cake! If anger erupted something was getting broke or I was being attacked both emotionally and or physically. I will not ever take that chance again! EVER! In a world gone absolutely mad, I am aware of all the dangers and gun-toting idiots that are out there and If I say I am afraid then I know afraid and I know exactly what fear looks like . Staring down the barrel of a gun or having a weapon brandished in your face NO ONE on this earth should have to encounter! In my last position that I worked for... one of my own customers drunk and stupid pulled a gun out yielding and yelling and pointing in my direction. I have seen stupid and foolish and where anger lives anything can happen and I refuse to be in

Normal Is A Setting On A Dryer

My view of things is so different from what the masses see. I observe and have learned so much while studying life coaching! Often times the expectation I have in my head, I can not understand the standard to which people live. I wonder where along the line in any of our lives that we decided that this was going to be the norm! Hahaha, Normal is a setting on a dryer! There is no normal, it is though how we choose to settle in... for life! I am going to give some random scenarios. It is not directed or intended towards or against anyone!!! There are 7 billion people in this world... lots of different people living out different situations. So how you interpret my words... is a reflection on you. First, let me say, there are NO 2 perfect couples/people that are made for each other. At best we are lucky that we can say, " I really like the person I am with!" Love takes on such a different meaning. The older we get it is harder to settle in and allow someone to take up space.