What's Love Got To Do With It?
Can you imagine what it feels like to stand on the edge and leap into the unknown? Can you imagine what it feels like to have your heart beating so fast you can not catch your breath? Can you imagine everything you ever dreamed of having with that certain someone in your life, that you have longed for? So it would seem that is what we base love on... I often wonder what would happen if we did not base the concept of love on a feeling or an emotion. How in control would be about our decisions on choosing a mate? How would our life vary and differ if we chose based on other factors? One would have to ask, "What's love got to do with it?" Have we not yet learned why we choose the way we do and who are influencers have been on this nothing new topic? We are products of our environment... look at how your folks or any coupled adult who had any part in your life acted towards each other. We all learn from what we see... and as adults, we mimic what we know! The patter