
Showing posts from March, 2021

Where The Road Begins

 I think months back, I talked about what I identify with. Quite honestly this morning, I identify with being extremely tired and thrust forward...mentally exhausted. Burnout and all the notions that accompany trying to maintain a business under ridiculous restrictions. I have given myself permission to just take some time off from quite a few things that in previous years "made" the business what it was. The inconsistency due to no fault of my own has taken a toll. Not to mention, the general public can not think for themselves and they have become obsessed with the conditioning that has filtered into their subconscious via news, political platforms and a virus that is not going to kill them; therefore leaving me at odds because I have based my business on in-person learning or in-person photography. Human beings are meant to associate and do better learning in environments where other people thrive. We are not meant to spend hours in a day in front of a computer screen. It

Why, It's Business...Or Is It?

  Don't you hate it when people say, "its business" don't take it personally? Doesn't it get under your skin when the people that should be the closest to you or should be the most loyal to your relationship, goes behind your back, spreads lies and hires (or uses someone else's service) from someone that has done you so wrong! Don't you get so frustrated when people see what you do and what you have to offer, making small niceties in a general conversation to your face but never buy or share anything that you do? (via social media or in-person conversations with others) Oh Yes, it goes against a person's grain and it happens all the time! In all of our lives, some just hide their actions better than others. How many times have you had a person you know that could use some part of a service that you do but for what ever reason truly if there is not something in it for them (a gain of sorts) or if they see the attention is given more on to you than what