
Showing posts from May, 2020

Free To Pursuit

It has been bit more difficult to sit at the computer to do any work. It has been completely a bust doing video or going live. Burn out and lack of motivation with no direction has become the norm not only for me but for a general population who has been trying to make a living doing things on their own and forgoing any corporate mandates. It has always been my dream to do things my way and survive as I know based on subjects I am so passionate about; writing, art, teaching, speaking and lets not forget my horse-prenuership. It has been very apparent that it has come down to categories and by the powers to be you better fit into a box finding which category you fit into. I hope there is a niche for who and what you do. I hope for you these last several months of idiosy has not effected your physce'. I am facisnated by history. I always have been. The knowing of what once was and things that used to be and the social practices of how a town got started and where their people came

Real Vision

I believe it is fair to say we are being made to believe we should be letting go of how life is supposed to look. Things that no longer serve due to circumstances out of our control (just life happening) and the connections we have let fade because some sense of what "looked real" was in actuality a feeling that we enacted on from something we saw in our heads! Hope and hype have so much in common. We long for a connection so deep and we build up all the momentum with the should haves and could haves! while reality tries to find some-place for a balance within 2 people. I have had two visions of what life was to look like...I still see this, but now with the complications that has set in; bizarre rules are being implemented due to current issues. I will start with the latter of the vision. I see myself older and gray living beachside teaching. ( or in some close approx distance to an ocean). I also see land, lakes and horses and teaching on my property. It is healthy to dre

Storyteller Or Historian... You Decide

I am the better version of myself when I am traveling and taking in new experiences. Exploration and venturing out into some entity I know nothing of... or revisiting a place that means so much. I am in my most authentic position when I am writing, teaching or speaking. A storyteller and a historian; the things they have in common so many words, roads and times between studying not only the land, the current happenings but the feelings attached with what is being experienced and how it can be retold so the person listening, can gather a fair and just depictive view as if they too had been there or gone through it. With all that has been occurring globally; lockdown, quarantines, civil freedoms being taken away and the selfishness on the Government's part deciphering who is needed and who is not needed; it clearly interferes with the lies and deceitful actions and misgivings for all activities that are taking place within their offices;  A chain of events that have lead to some se