
Showing posts from November, 2018

A Christmas Prayer

As I sit here this morning on this chilly Saturday Nov 24th, I prepare for the days ahead and for the new months that will follow. It is that season of expectations and hype. A season for love and joy; tinsle and sparkle. It is the time for magic and a time for miracles. It is also a time of year where so many people become depressed and a deep seated grief steps in. It is that time of year a person feels so alone and a heart breaks for what once was or worse what one has always wished for. Personally I wish they would stop with the Christmas car commercials! I don't know about you but most the people I know live paycheck to paycheck and car purchases are most likely not in the equation for the holiday. The families I know still are struggling with making ends meet and the emotional stress they put themselves through trying to buy the latest and greatest for their kids. I don't know a soul who gets matching vehicles on Christmas morning! Shame on the car industry for such a f

To Serve

There are certain things that I have been known to get on my preaching box! Yes, I have been known to beat a dead horse until I get to the root of the cause.   A s I seek out every avenue until I find clarification on the matters I need to know! See those matters are important to me! Those matters have gravely affected my life and continue to do so! Those matters are close to my heart and are embedded in my soul. See there are soul contracts... things that have been written so far before you or I became familiar with: what it means to really have a soul. The physical world depends on living with heart but the transcendental being that has been put here on this earth at this time, for a purpose, their life depends on living with soul. Let me first say very loudly; Unfinished business... does not stop on this earth plane. Karma does follow from life to life until reckoned with so if some wrongdoing has been done in your current life and it has not been dealt with, I am here to say, i

Authentic: It Is What Is The Real

In order to be your most authentic self, one has to get as real and raw as one can be with self! (Sounds like a simple statement right?) Setting the tone and looking at the view at hand and the view one has pictured in one's head and then clearly stating out loud the vision to be seen... The Big Picture one has planned. The big picture one has always had! It should be easy to see, recognize, what a person does not want. It is a process of elimination, mistakes, trial, and errors and boredom! It is the things that a person gets bored with because it no longer stimulates certain body parts, the mind or ignites the soul. The situation can no longer be manipulated to work in one's favor. If that person is not hearing what they want to hear or getting the response one feels they need, they will subject them self to Simple trades off's, cheap thrills and any high seeking entity that is quick to fix a situation hoping it will fill their gaping hole of EMPTY because they cannot b