
Showing posts from February, 2020

Leaps and Bounds...

Leap year the opportunity to go beyond and forge, breaking through all barriers known to self...gaining that one extra day, that oddity in itself proving... What? I went live yesterday on one of my social media pages for the first time since being back from North Carolina in Nov. I have been on shut down mode working only where necessary. My emotional and mental clarity said, "You are done for a while. We are gonna shut you down physically so you have to take a rest!" And it did exactly as it set out to do! I have left my house only to do what needs to be done and then I am back in my spot on the love seat doing nothing but resting with all the animals in tow! It has been a peaceful existence of nothing! I am though working my way back bits at a time... I may be quiet but not gone! I want to say something about North Carolina's trip first before I go into my message for today. The presence I felt with me during that trip had nothing to do with the person I was with. I

Love Is To Be Defined By...

I am hoping that this day of Feb 15th finds you heart healthy. With the hype of Valentine's day now over; some suffering from the disappointment of not getting... and for others, the realization that roses are overpriced! Valentine's day is truly commercialized for the sake of COMMERCE & THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. Hallmark seemingly makes sure they are the one to capitalize on this day made for Love; right there with that Jewelry store ad! I don't like to talk too much on the subject of love. Love is one of those interpretations that each develops by a bi-product of environment [what we see and learn], peer pressure, what movies and novels are made from... and through trial and error from each relationship we endure, we know what Love isn't. My dad the king of aphorisms once said in the height of my miserable marriage, " well at least he doesn't drink or he doesn't beat you." As if that was the consolation to the relationship. ( My dad seemed to overlo

Let He, That Shall Be Without Sin Cast The First Stone.

"Let he, that shall be without sin cast the first stone." I have been wanting to write this post for some time. Addressing, Those that refuse to look at their own toxicity, shortcomings, failings or faults. It is so easy for most of us to sit back and nitpick others but personally, most will refuse to recognize yet alone admit... where the toxicity within lies. We become so copasetic in our own lives a little self-righteous or even self-indulgent that we have a tendency to overlook what things we have brought to the table ( I hate that term) that we just expect others to accept for the sake of... Often rendering down a conversation that ends in this statement "WELL, YOU KNEW THIS ABOUT ME WHEN YOU MET ME... so deal with it.' It is a pretty lame excuse considering the harmful repeated actions that a person may have had to endure during a course. TOXICITY: THE HARMFUL EFFECTS USED OVER AN EXTENDED AMOUNT OF TIME, UPON REPEATED OR CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE THAT A PERSON END