
Showing posts from May, 2018

Do Over Moments... Could You? Would You?

 I want to ask any of you that are reading, go back into your life and find that one moment that you would like to do over? Do you have a do-over moment? Go back to that time and rethink, relive every action and let the memory play by play live out in your psyche. Reliving that moment, how does it feel? Reflecting back how does it look? Listen to the words you or someone else may have spoken. How does it sound? Pinnacle moments in our lives often times cannot be redone or relived or thoroughly mentally replanned. It is these monumental moments that have put us on this path that we are currently living. These were direct choices of that time. To redo, would possibly erase specific people, academic achievements, ceremonies, vacations, job promotions etc etc... Each of our lives has to do with the trickle-down effect and the choices we made. This occurred and from that occurrence, it resulted in and it affected... You can call it the action and the response mode, you can call it the ben

Ode to Mothers

I can not think back to a time when I did not want to be a mom. There is no greater gift and joy. Oftentimes cumbersome caught between heart and mind and the choices one has to make.  If you think about it, you are who you are, by that woman, that one matriarch type that molded your emotional and mental state in your earliest of years. Whether it be your actual mother, it is the woman who cared for you the most, that instilled your beginnings. that will forever bring forefront, the word...MOM to mind. After the death of mom in 1968 there were no questions on who would step in and take over. My mom's mother stepped right in never missing a beat. Effortlessly self-less she picked up pieces of overwhelming emotion cared and loved my sister and me while grieving at a capacity I don't think we will ever really know. There was no other way in her eyes to see it and or any other way it was to be had! Although I would always refer to her as gram somewhere in the back of my mind I alw

We Are Shaped By The Experiences That Happen To Us

We are shaped by the experiences that happen to us. Our life defined and moved by the people, circumstance and the situations that find their way to each of our lives. What is meant to be always finds a way. There are no such things as coincidences... there are lessons and messages that we gain and typically learn from.  Knowledge is brought forth by the actions that have taken place. How we choose to respond mostly depends on the experience dealt with the person to which we have had contact.  Memories are made and the sentiments formed. The heart replays what the mind will never forget. After my divorce in 1994, still grieving from my dad's death in 1992,  My world torn apart. Now a single parent, Jason born 1985, Raechal born 1987, Not knowing any type of direction I was supposed to take. My dad was my anchor in spite of all his follies. I was numb not really feeling too much of anything... divorcing a man I should have never married but it seemed like the right thing to do at