
Showing posts from May, 2013

The Final Outcome

I'm a few days early writing. I am trying to get in the habit of writing on Sunday mornings. It would so seem that after a week of daily work and personal rituals, the madness that flows in and out of my mind wants to be jaunted down. For some reason though tonight the screeching sound of my thoughts is beckoning me to sit and write so here I am Friday night 5:28 getting it all down... Someone recently asked me, " Do you really think we want to know every detail of your life"? (He wasn't being ignorant he was just seriously asking?) My reply was, "Why wouldn't you"? "I have nothing to hide nor nothing to be ashamed of"! Like everyone else with a full plate and I don't mind talking about it or sharing what goes on.  I have a lot of nonsense that goes on in my life and I use writing as a sort of therapy. I could see if I was writing a tell all about my sexual escapades...(OK, this where we all laugh out loud!!) Yes that would be too much in

In The Mean Time

My time right now is being used very wisely. My usual direction of not knowing where to turn next still demands a GPS! I have found myself on this road too many times in the last several years. All the starts and stops have become so redundant I feel like the scarecrow in the wizard of oz...pointing in all directions. Currently, I am standing at a fork in the road. Not wanting to be lost...I am so afraid if I go down any of these roads I am going to end up right back where I started... NOWHERE! The company I was associated with pulled a very fast one on me and although they claimed it to be a business choice I very much took it personal. A new hire that was to run the STL location turned into a scheduling demon and used her power of authority to take advantage of  situation. The way I see it telling lies to higher ups to cover her own behind is not professional or anything I want to be associated with!!! Why people get put into some positions is unbeknownst to me. They must have ba