
Showing posts from March, 2013

Circumstances That Occur

Good Morning!!! How are we all looking today? Is the sun shining down on you? Do you have a kick in step? Well for all of you I truly wish that...Life is way too short for anything else!  I can tell you from where I am sitting at this moment my feet are firmly planted on the ground and I got roots grow'n!!! I do not need spring to tell me everything will come up roses or tulips or orange blossoms! My pink office may not be complete but my ideas are colorfully unfolding and I am putting the finishing touches on what is going to happen in my life for me! I am sure in some other writing before in the past I have mentioned "happenstance"  that cross of words where circumstance and things just happen to occur by no mere coincidence. Well I would like to think happenstance has occurred for me! Oh don't get ahead of yourself I haven't been commissioned to paint anything fancy by the mayor. (Although I do know him personally, I don't think he even know

Imperfectly Finished...At Least For Now!

Sitting in my pretty unfinished pink office, I am reminded that nothing is perfect. Although I could be putting the finishing touches on my work space, I feel compelled to write about what I have not done. If you have not been made aware "yet"  let me be the first to tell you, "there is an art at procrastinating"! And actually I have become very darn good at it! I felt several months ago that if I had the perfect office space I would be more inclined and focused to get things, projects, missions accomplished and done! Well "ha"! I say... to date, I have found more reasons not to finish my lovely vision. My first excuse being, I did run out of the "Classic Cherry Creme" paint. So to make the paint stretch I added water to it. Oh the walls are finished and the floor is almost complete. I figured well, "since I ran out of paint I'll doodle black diamonds floating in areas to mimic a rug". So I taped off the floor and painted my d