Random Writes...

 Well, this is where I am not; dodging a hurricane (done it twice. Nola and Pensacola) and Not rerouting a flash flood in Kentucky on my way to Tennessee. Although I didn't appreciate the Mountains of rain and fog in Georgia, I too am not there! Trust me I hear my suitcases calling... The goal has always been to live a life you do not need to escape from! {I hear people from a distance screaming at silent decibels trying to escape. I remind but you chose that!}

I say to my friend who I've been hanging with, ya know the one from 40 years ago, her mom passed last week and I share every one of her sentiments, It is not easy! Never is... but in my silly humor I say to make her laugh, I'm itching to go to Table Rock! Doesn't that sound fun? With no pause, she yells hell no that sounds terrible! I laugh out loud, she loves a good party. I love nothing but silence, tranquility and the water! Weather no mind... you're just gone! Countless times, I have been to Table Rock! Know it like the back of my hand! I say to myself, "soon" {first place I am headed once this vehicle thing is settled. Mad angry face!}

I go to look for clothes this morning. It is raining. I need to get out to Ruby and go to the grocery store but it's pouring down raining. The truck does not drive well in the rain. It hydroplanes. I about had a heart attack Monday driving to work. Water skiing in a vehicle way too big to drive... I cry! I just want my car back! Anyway, clothes... first time of the year, I grab my leggings and an oversized shirt. My traveling clothes. All about comfy and the excitement of getting me the hell out of here! I need a serious change of view! People and the likes of, I am over it! I am over it all! House, neighborhood, job, people, places and things. The surroundings are making me ill. You know that sinking feeling...

Every person this week I have had a real conversation with, other than, Can I suggest the pretzels or Can I get you some more water...has said, "I don't know what's in the air but it is disturbing" Yeah, we all can agree. Something isn't right, something is very wrong and the duress of life as a whole is playing out. It is alarming. After my shift, I find myself coming home to hide, different from my hiding before. The hypervigilance is on point. Did I mention there was a drive-by shooting at my work? Something around the corner was being robbed and I suppose for fun the getaway car full of thugs thought it to be amusing to let off a round of fire. God love them... adding excitement to an already eclectic neighborhood! A bullet was found; who knows where the others were!

Anyway, I get home, cleaning like on a vegance to keep active and the bigger dog starts in. Oh Frances, the newest, chimes in (a lovely shrill, not), and then of course the girls are like, "mom let us out!" YKIFYK they go barreling out the back door. Poor Frances... getting trampled on; they head to the back fence where someone is lurking. I couldn't see a thing but the bigger girls have hair on their neck standing. Immediately I call them back, scoop up Frances and we head back to the house. I waited for the kid to get home before I let them out again. Like I say, hypervigilant. I try not to let my imagination run away with me but since being run off the road a few years back working late and not being able to see who or what was lurking, I am cautious.

I think I put my suitcase downstairs on top of the dresser! That is still in the back of my head. travel and escaping for good! In all honesty, I am anticipating that opportunity. More than just the travel, it's time to leave. I can do what I do anywhere! Anywhere ... that sounds so much more pleasant than here.

I'm looking out the front door as I sit here. The sky is turning green. I dream in this type of weather. Maybe it's an omen. Act of God... a rendition of "Dorothy" I wanna go home I wanna go home except home is this place I have yet to discover. Lions tigers and BEARS! YES!!!! where the bears are! I did hear though a bear was seen not too far from my location! Ha too funny! Been to Tennessee more times now than I can count and never saw one frick'n bear! I will be pissed if he ends up in the field behind my house. LOL

Travel, escapes, comfy clothes and dodging weather, this is the life for me! Anywhere but here and that is what I choose! Living a life you never need to escape from!

 Here is your sign!

Random Writes because Fate Turns On a Dime!

Kitryn Marie

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