How Well Do You Know

 There is no rhyme to my reasoning on the topics I write about lately. I am very well aware, that someone is STILL minding my business, and someone else is studying EVERYTHING I write. I laugh! {Makes you ask yourself, how well do you know _________________} Fill in your own blank there! If people would pay attention, listen between the lines, and decipher the spew, you may see the person you think you know! (People I hear your thoughts! Just stop!) LOL

Right now someone is reeling and angry! While the other has been doing a double talk in word salads! For better or worse right? SMH (BIG sarcastic smile)

Also, the opportunist is questioning and replaying everything in that small mind that occupies that pea brain. When you are drunk, high or chasing tail (dancing with fat clowns)... realizing, at a time, that what you have is not important. Listening to a lifetime of stories and the names of people and family members, or important dates and college courses/classes things get missed because it wasn't fun or of any importance; it didn't have any advantage to the play at hand that was needed to fit a narrative and line the pockets of... [remember a narcissist doesn't change his playbook. He just changes out partners] Did they tell you about when he cheated on fatty 2 with the hag, fatty 2 was on the bar side while the hag sat with him in the kitchen? Cracks me up every time that story is told!

While life has progressed for me and I am far removed, I still hear how the circus came to town and the accomplices that watched. At this point, you can't blame the crowd that loves to laugh! but again I ask how well do you know?


I am gonna jump a timeline story here and explain exactly how well I know a different someone (the other has gotten old (looks worn for wear and by far alcohol worse very much matching the crone that sits on that perch with him)  and I have had enough textbook example that I could rewrite the chapter on personality disorders when it comes to___________! Trust me it makes great points in the red flag portion of the enrichment class I teach based on psychology and life coaching.

Anyway, moving along(for now) with the recent devastation of the hurricane in North Carolina; I am heartsick. I know those roads and have been. Sadly if I had gotten my way, we would have been right there. Our life could have been lost and our homestead destroyed. I can not help but see it in my minds eye. Many of those people did not get any warnings. Towns on the west side of North Carolina never should have been touched. ( I have a great conspiracy on it but I will spare you my take) 

Let us say though, Sarge (to protect identity) and I were there somewhere between Cherokee and Bryson and the Natchlik River was rising. He would have been paying attention to the weather. He would have been porch-side watching and eyeing up what needed to be secured down. He would have had vehicles gassed up and necessities in full totes. Weapons would be together and at hand if needed. The bear spray under the back seat of the truck! Blankets, coats, rain gear, tent, bungy cords and rope and an extension cord and tools!!! Coleman stove, small bbq pit, charcoal, coffee pot, and the essentials needed to survive food-wise for a week. And cash! For good measure, the fishing tackle would be bundled and ready. Not one but 3 tackle boxes. Matches and knives and cookware etc...

Now of course I would be frantic about my horse and the dogs! He would have the trailer hitched and ready; loaded with tack in case one of us needed to ride. The dogs would be secured in crates and food and hay properly stored and ready to move out! 

The route would be mapped out and we would have headed further North. Phones would be charged! I would be his first priority to make it to safety provided I didn't have a panic attack and he would threaten to leave me ... ( no hahaha ) he wouldn't. and although he would be in full control his insides would never let me know he was scared sh.tless. That is military training. Survival and protection. Think later and do not let emotion rule the assignment. 

I may have left out a few details but this is how I have seen it in my head the last several days. I know what I know because I know who I know! Can you say that?


Now to whoever is reading this, how well do you really know your significant? All the bs that has been filtered through drinks and moves; skin to skin what do you really know about________________? and how would they act according to any situation? Could you play by play call it?

So as I randomly write with no rhyme or reason, stop and think and study the playbook! It's time you learned!

Kitryn Marie

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