The Beauty Of Being Left Alone

 I could go all Life Coach/ Psychology on you but as my sister puts it, many do not have the bandwidth to understand large doctored words that do not compute with their simple minds. Most people only entertain the small capabilities in their day-to-day life, and if any extra information does not fit into that compiled actional thought processed routine ... it's easy to dismiss so they can be left alone to their own devices.  Where ignorance is bliss, it proves a dismissal of someone else's suggested advice or theory.  Displaying avoidance that is detrimental to the psyche. {oops, I did it again}

Some people though can not be left alone to their own devices. The infiltrated mind that never shuts off can not stand the sound of its own interwebbed thoughts. Often stimulated effects to soothe the mind only make the mind scream louder. The person who wants to be alone so no one else has to suffer through what ails the soul finds numbing techniques through stimulants, drugs, alcohol, TV and impetuous (maniac) behavior. All turn-offs to ensure no one will want to be around them. Adult children who are displaying acts of defiance because they are angry and can not get the attention they need to soothe the ongoing void that sits deep. It's a dual abandonment situation induced by self! #sabbotage 

Many people do not understand that being alone is to be happy with oneself and to be happy with oneself; there can not be any guilt or shame for choosing solo-arity! It is the liking of one's thoughts and contentedness that offers peace! {if it cost me my are on your own} To be alone is to discover all the things you like about yourself. It is about all the choices you get to decide on by yourself without the INTERFERENCE from someone else opinions or the processes of holding you back from progress #emotionalhostage; that would catapult you forward in your personal growth! (if you are no further than you were 10 years ago and you are living the same life in the same place... you have stunted your ability to evolve!) People waste people's lives promising and ensuring false hope through being un-alone! (yes I made that word up!) Because co-dependencies reside in every fiber of their being! Co-dependents can not be alone and they make other people's lives miserable! There is no room for misery in the person's life who wants to be happy and alive!

There is no room for emotional avoidance and unattachment when a person is specifically choosing to live alone happily! The growth that comes from that peace not having to deal with other people's burdens, baggage, childhood traumas, and dramas, unresolved personal demons, and the deliberate neglect of personal and mental health. How dare the person who slides into someone's life bring the aforementioned and expect the person to be ok with all behavioral issues never addressed. It's a mind fuck to the worst degree. The choice would seem to be perfectly clear! That type is not welcome. It no longer should be entertained therefore living in peace alone is the only clear choice!

Lonely vs Alone... when you like your own company and can laugh at your own thoughts, plans and actions there is no need for feeling lonely because all of those traits lead to a life that brings friendships and opportunities shared with others. You come to understand what your limitations are and what your own energy brings into any situation. You also learn when it's time to go home; you come to terms with the decompression that is offered in the silence by yourself! 

The beauty of being left alone comes with resilience and rejuvenation! It clearly says I do not want nor need what anyone has to offer because I bring more to myself! It says I know what I am capable of, on my own, without having to lean on or depend on someone who offers nothing but personal disappointment in all situations time after time!

Closing the door, removing any entryway that steals the serenity that comes from living alone in harmony! 

I can say, from a professional and personal point of view these decisions are not taken lightly. Situations occur that create the nail that seals its fates. People get pushed to their brinks, and when familiarity is compared to other horrific events and past relationships; and there are repeated compared patterns seen from past situations; I can promise you done is done and there is great beauty in being left alone!

As a life coach, I will ask;  ask yourself what are you adding to the value of your life? Where is the peace within yourself? How content can you be in the silence that harmony offers; bringing you a better existence? Allowing your choices, you have solo decided on for growth and to evolve for a more purpose-filled life?

The beauty that remains is priceless when choosing to be alone! #mylifeisbeautiful 

Be Happy Be Blessed! 

Kitryn Marie

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