Establishing Hard Lines

If I asked you to make a wish, what would it be? Would you wish for a million dollars, a change in direction, a new house, better health, a new job, your kids to be more responsible, to stay more in contact? Would you wish for a redo, a do-over, more time... go back in time and repeat or go back in time and avoid? If you could have a wish, what would it be?

My dreams haunt me. I fight and have arguments after arguments trying to get my point across. No one is harder on me than me! My standard of living is higher than most. I am simple but my mind is as complicated as it comes. I do expect people to jump through hoops because I refuse to settle for an average life and will never settle for random routine in a complex world. ... with simple minded-people who are willing to let time go by,  to coerce in a club type setting or to congregate in or with addicted souls, lost trying to belong to anything or anyone that accepts them. That is where people go to pass time and die. Same story, same misery ... same cause... because they have no real cause and no real meaning to their life. I say this from the many examples I saw growing up, a few places I have worked and the few places forced to be in. The stories are the same but the faces change. The scenario the same where Misery loves company...

As an intelligent woman and an introvert, I find it completely difficult to commensurate with people who have no depth to their lives. The routine that they have become accustomed to because they refuse to see that there is so much more to life than a pathetic existence. Sadly though, that is what it is like, being addicted... It's the camaraderie of let's have a good time ... all the time. Let's have a need to unwind, avoid, escape and numb... and have no accountability or responsibility to self or anyone in their life... silly titles, sill hats ...making fools out of all and leaving Many homes, marriages, relationships and children's lives obliterated and destroyed by it all.

I find it so ironic, for the many many years I made a very good living at it. I learned the opposite end of that spectrum and kept separate from becoming one those types. There is a sickness/ an illness in being chemically addicted. I am not opposed to an occasional glass of wine and possibly a beer... but never has it been my thing or the need to escape from reality and or have the need or want to be a part of the masses of self-destruction.

I am accountable and responsible for my self... I hold no one accountable nor do I place blame for my choices and nor do I owe anyone any explanations to how I choose to live and or what I choose to do for a living. I will not back down and or be quiet either! I have a voice and although it may not be agreed with... that is a reflection of the person who is reading or hearing. To each their own. (but one must examine their choice for not understanding the point of view)

A few years back when I was teaching children in an afternoon art setting,  I would make them hold out their arms. I adamantly stated, "if someone can touch you, they are too close and they need to get out of your personal space." It's establishing boundaries.  I also said, "your pencil is a tool, not a sword and you are not allowed to stab them with it and or scribble on their work!" I found that to be a valuable point! The same rules apply to adults, it comes down to boundaries and which lines you can cross. (although we all know there is at least that one person you would like to gauge... to get the point across)

Even as I teach my classes now, I tell all my students and or clients. You are not responsible for anyone but yourself. You are not responsible for how someone else feels... That is on them! It is not selfish to set boundaries and SPEAK ABOUT WHAT YOU WILL NOT ALLOW!  ALTHOUGH, Most people hear what they want to hear and they choose to see things for how they want it to be... NOT FOR HOW IT ACTUALLY IS! It is not selfish to care for yourself and to say... NO! and it is not wrong for the person to repeatedly set and change the boundary line. No one is allowed to force themselves in your life... if not given permission and or given the pass to enter... in any area!

It has taken many many years for me to establish those hard lines. I have been called and told so many harsh things because I refuse to allow anyone to force me to do something I do not want to do. I was not going to be taken advantage of or let my feelings be trampled upon. I was not going to allow my good nature to be abused and or walked over.  My personal space was and is mine...and no one was going to take advantage of it because they think/thought they were entitled to whatever I had!

As a woman who loves wholeheartedly and usually unconditionally, boundaries are imperative to keep sanity and clarity. I am not about to lose myself for the sake of someone else.  I continue to establish my work and my business. I am setting up guidelines. I am drawing hard lines into the sand. It is difficult and people still do not understand ... NOT NOW! Whether it be a protection mode or a safety issue none the less, it is healthy to establish what will work for the time being. Too many people jump into things without looking at the reality of it, hoping somewhere down the line it's going to magically work itself out! (No we don't know how things play out but one must look at all situations for how they currently are. With Blinders off!)


If you are having boundary issues in your relationships or your business, I can help you to establish what will work for you. We can set up guidelines and discuss your reasons for doing so...

If you are dealing with addictive personalities... let's discuss YOU! Why you feel the need to continue the associations. There is nothing more freeing than to walk away from unhealthy behavior and to see it for what it is! Let's discuss your talents and your attributes for finding the work you need to do for you!

If I could make a wish, I would wish for... healthy boundaries, an established business, a growing income and the gift to continue to show people their true self! (also I would not mind a good $5000.00 to fall into my lap! Afterall, It is my wish!)

To see all my work, please visit To sign up for any of my courses or classes and to be a part of my inner circle mentoring email

So now, I ask you; If I asked you to make a wish, what would it be? Would you wish for a million dollars, a change in direction, a new house, better health, a new job, your kids to be more responsible, or to stay more in contact? Would you wish for a redo, a do-over, more time... go back in time and repeat or go back in time and avoid? If you could have a wish, what would it be?

I'm here... let me know!

Meet Me in St. Louis
Kitryn Marie

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