I Know What I Bring To The Table
Can I just say, I am thrilled to be off work today and tomorrow! People and their brutality! 30 years in food and beverage and the general public just gets worse! Most could not do my job; any of my jobs!!! Yesterday alone I put in 16000 steps within a 6-hour shift. Pulling myself up into the truck to go home was almost impossible! We all know this year has been challenging at best but please do not pull your entitlement card on your server. Pay for the food you order and do not try to pull that I didn't get it routine! How bout for the love of manners and common courtesy clean up after your children! You may let them live like little cute piggies in your house but allowing them to throw food on the floor, break the crayons, and tear their coloring page because you as the parent can't control them is absurd. Can I mention also, if your server says let me clean a table and you have to wait another 10 mins for it; understand the tables and customers she is already taking care of... then like a magician your table of 10 disappears because you couldn't wait? Please do not come back! Do not snap at your bartender because you can't get service quick enough or if your establishment has retail merch, do not scream at one of the servers to check you out because you have no patience! These were just a few of yesterday's situations! I had no issue sleeping last night! At the end of the shift yesterday, the bartender and I stood there with no words... one of her customers stood there and yelled at her because she couldn't get her food quick enough or the old lady who claimed she was being ignored. SMH For the love of Scrooge and the Grinch... learn holiday etiquette when dining out. No words...
I take all people and their conditions into consideration. I look at humans and their CONDITIONS through the eyes of a life coach! There are some really dysfunctional and toxic people out there! Oh, I forgot the lady who said, "My husband took off work to meet us for lunch. Do something"... after I apologetically said, we were out of the sandwich he ordered! What was she wanting me to do? Run to the deli down the road to bring her back his sandwich? If the establishment is out and the kitchen has exhausted its supply there is nothing anyone can do! #overit There are 20 other sandwiches... order something else!
Since 2020 people have lost their ever-loving mind! The mental disorders are on a rampart. The want it now and I don't care what anyone has to go through for me to get it; is out of control. Again, as a life coach, what does the rest of your life look like? It's a sandwich!!! There is a world full of critics and indignent's who have lost touch with reality and what humanity looks like! It takes more energy to be hateful and it is health-harmful to be that full of anger and rage! Although I try to find humor in everything, I had the kitchen staff laughing hysterically yesterday... claiming I knew Santa, and these tryfuls were getting coal for sure!
I studied a whole other range of subjects to get out of this field! As much as I use every bit of my psychology training in this job... you can't fix stupid and you can't table dance for the ungrateful! People want experiences but they do not understand the protocol that has to occur to get it! The intricate webs from conditioning and social environments have gone bad! Sadly most of these kinds feel this behavior is ok and normal to their habitual behavior. Rude is just part of who they are.
Tipping is another dimension of logic. Why this never was taught in the basic math class is unbeknownst to me! 20% is the rule of thumb when dining and when buying a single beer; it's $3.00 for each beer bought! If you are running a tab... and those beers accumulate... it goes back to the 20% rule! While tipping may not be mandatory... if you are expecting your tender to song and dance you or your server to trip the fantastic over you... BUCK UP AND BE NICE! It is that simple. We know times are tough but if you can not afford to go the extra on your experience that you are expecting... please be aware that your restaurant staff is making $6.00 an hour. Their bills and lifestyle depend on your generosity, which we get taxed heavily on! Unfortunately, if you can not accommodate please stay home!
The house in itself needs customers and keeping those doors open is imperative for the employees to keep their jobs. The establishment tries to cater to the neighborhood and its patron's wants but there has to be an understanding and in agreement to what has to happen to keep qualified staff! Being on both sides of staff and management when the house overall only thinks of its revenue and bottom dollar someone on the lower end of the stick pays the price for lack and thereof! General public do better!
I am off work and I am depleted and although I signed on for a 13-day stretch of work, the energy and high effort put into working through this holiday has done me in. Between body fatigue, a wrenching sore throat, and exhaustion, it is not worth it and I don't care what my paycheck will look like! It goes back to most people can not do what I have done for the last 30 years! {My sister would have crumbled yesterday! I laugh, she has screamed get a real job and get it together; basically, I would have watched her fall out and stand over her... telling her the same!}
I have shopping to do today some last-minute things that I was not able to do all weekend. #sick I am attempting to make the most out of this holiday for me and the youngest. This year has had a reminiscence of 2013 written all over it. I can not afford to add insult to injury with my health. As it has been described, it has been surgery with no anesthesia. #painful #emotionallydistraught
I will go all Life Coach and psychologist on you... if you dare say a thing! Strategizing and marketing my enrichment classes will lead me into retirement! Manners and common courtesy are high on that instruction board! It is the many walks of life that merit taking any of my art classes! It is the high level of achievement that most aren't even aware they are capable of having by scheduling one of my Vision board classes. The class is based on psychology and life coaching principles! To change your environment you must leave your environment! Understanding you are a product of the environment and the conditions in which you formed your thoughts! It is the taking of your raw talent and learning to 1. monetize what you know and 2. have the passion to alter the way you live for a better condition conducive to your core! It is seeing it all come to fruition because you have learned there is more out there for you to experience based on your desire to live for a higher purpose! It is learning when your eye is on the prize for a greater mission, it is all you become focused on! Taking any of my painting classes will show you exactly how you have always viewed color, perception and perspective! It alters your brain and opens creative flaps you never knew existed within you! It allows the logical part of your life to work better!
To schedule; Biz coaching $95.00 Vison board $65.00 and group painting classes $45.00 each min 10. Reach out kitryn_marie@yahoo.com All inquiries are welcome!
Be nice to your server or tender... step outside of your own conditioning and find compassion for the people who are trying to make your experience special!
Fate Turns on A Dime
Kitryn Marie