
Showing posts from November, 2024


 This is my second attempt tonight to write. Earlier in the day, after coming home not feeling great trying to push through this ick, I figured I'd sit here and pound out some thoughts. It didn't happen, too dizzy. So I made some chicken soup and made a video instead. 😳 It doesn't have to make sense. Trust me! Whatever this ick is it will pass after it lingers of course for 2 weeks. That my friends is the beauty in having a form of leukemia. Those white cells just don't quite have the stamina it needs. They will go on over time and overdrive and I will drag through til it's gone. I'll be fine! I'll be fine! (fingers crossed and a prayer)  What would be so important I need to get this out tonight? You ask! And I will answer because the small and narrow-minded in the back need a few things repeated! Apparently "some" do not understand the meaning of secondary learning or YOU CAN FIND A TOPIC THAT INTEREST YOU and read and study on the subject! (said

Good To Go

 I am good to go! Its Friday!!!!! My only day off... been up since 6:00; Ms Bean did not start her holler'n til then. {thank the high cooler heavens} Her and that shrill would give a rooster a run for his money! We are working on winter manners and her inside voice! Right now all 4 of the fur babies are sleeping and I have a mound of things to tackle today.  My flyer is made for Paints and Pints on Monday nights! Ruby needs feed and the dogs are out of coconut oil for their food. Once I get my fill of coffee, shower, and make my bed, somewhere around 11:30ish I will be out the door. There is a deep nap planned for this day too! Fridays tired hit hard around 3:00! The mental wear and tear on my body catches up to me. Those 12000-15000 stepped days seem to play havoc on my hip and knees, combining now with an ankle that needs to crack. How I jammed it this week? Unbeknownst to me! This week's conversations took turns from which I veered. I'm clearly staying far from the polit