Be The Blessing!

It's a beautiful, chilly day here in St. Louis! Where I thought there might be a dusting of snow this morning, there was only a sliver of frost across the lawns and vehicles. Maybe tonight? That first snowfall is refreshing, and it reminds us all to slow down. The house is warm, one pie is finished and the turkey is in the oven. It is Thanksgiving day. It is a day to be blessed and offer thanks. To receive the blessings you must be the blessing first! For your cup to runneth over first you must be living in gratitude. Grateful for all things both good and bad. Knowing the lesson brought forth with each! I remember the days when my dad would call, at 8:30 am sharp, asking is the bird in the oven? My reply always every year was, "No dad not yet" It would follow with, "What time do you want me there?" It didn't matter he would be early to entertain my kids. Thanksgiving was both of our favorite meals! This year like the last 20, it is all different. I can no...