If I Tell You My Story...

I opted to do things a little different here...

See one can't sit on her laurels and expect things to happen. We have come upon a new age, where internet marketing takes a precise plan... and to do just one thing is no longer possible. The strategy to get your message across... has nothing to do with sales, although sales is the bottom line, it is how you can connect what you do... across the board with a message someone wants to hear and someone wants to follow and become your greatest advocate... for what you do! and in turn, will share and talk your walk... so somewhere down the line... you become ...  ACCOMODITY! to those that need...whatever it is you are selling!

If I tell you my story... is it something you really want to know? Are my words or my life that important that someone is going to "stalk" (lol) my social media pages. Oh, and it happens!!! Am I making that big of a difference in anyone's life that they would want to purchase my services because they like who I am? Will they want to become my friend? so they can hang with the cool chick that has this really cool thing that she is doing... where I have heard in the midst of naysayers and critics, "what the hell is she selling that someone would want to buy?"...  The burning question, What service do I have that someone has to have? HHHmmmm... ?

Yep, that pretty much sums it up! I ask my self... "self... do you see what you are doing? have you figured this thing out yet? Do you realize what you have become and what you have created?" My answer... "yep, I do!"

So many years ago, ok maybe not that long... 5-6 years, someone told me I had no viable means to have a career. I was told with no degree... "you can't do a thing!"  It continued, "If you are not good at one thing...how in the hell do you plan to make an income?" My head spun in circles... the exorcist gal had nothing on me! I knew the talent I had and I knew the dream... it was just going to have to play out a step at a time. That was how it could only be... there was no execution of a plan. It all magically was gonna have to fall into place. F..k it still is all falling into place... all over the place! Except now the vision much clearer.

My grandma once told me, "Kit, follow your heart. It will never steer you wrong. Listen to what it says... and just follow it where ever it leads!" The conflict between heart and mind... emotion and logic are two entities so different from each other and if not brave... nothing to reckon with! I thrive on emotion and I live on intuition. My fortune comes from having talent and a heart that wants to share seriously what I know. I think when my higher power conjured me ... it was from stardust that had the most positive intentions to teach what most can't even fathom. All those things that were in my soul were so I could show people a better way to live. Giving so many a glimpse of life from a different view, to teach one how to recognize their worth and their value... based on the beauty of possibility! All things are possible... when you set something in motion... motion falls into the place it belongs! The purpose of living a life all for the greater good!

I love to teach! I love to speak... and I do love to tell my story.  It is extraordinary only because I have found the perspective in it all... and for every step, I have taken in tears, heartache, and joy... I am still standing and walking my talk, and practicing what I preach.

I think I am happiest when I have a paintbrush in my hand. (although cooking would come second) Expression is a wonderful tool used in color and in speaking how the mind views what it wants the eye to see... and forcing the hand to follow its movement. The words I talk convey a message, a lesson... giving direction step by step through interpretation. My students listen... and in turn, they create their own masterpieces.

Taking instructing to another level offers change of perception when explaining the right brain/left brain theory. Our higher power wants us to live a joyful life. We are not meant to work and just pay bills. He/she/it... has said, "I give you these wonderful things on this planet. It is up to you to recognize what ignites your soul. What makes you come alive and where does your passion live?" Creating a vision board helps so many people put the missing puzzle pieces back in a spot that has sat empty for most of a life. Most people know that something is missing. That something is not right... they know there is more... the question is just how? My best words, "live life like a child. Live in wonder and awe. Find serendipity in things that make you giggle and believe like a child that has no limits on their imagination." Cutting out images and gluing are easy. Its believing... those images are gonna happen and manifest. It takes some tweaking of the mind. 2 hours of asking integral questions opening up the dialogue to a life so many have forgotten. "WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP?" That child that once had this incredible view of the future... WHAT DID IT HOLD?" You would be so surprised to hear what is said... I find my heart wrenching to hear their stories and why it did not happen. As they look at their boards the images go in an importance order and they talk what the images mean for their life! These classes I teach... are so soul fulfilling for me and for my students!

Style and trend... I can thank my Aunt Phyllis for that one. A striking woman that oozed sex appeal. Her black hair perfect with charcoal wing eyeliner... and clothes dressed to the nines! If I heard it once, I heard it a million times, "Image says everything about who you are. Style speaks about your character... and your walk... you better mean it! People watch everything you do... REGARDLESS"

Coming from a house of women... and 1 bathroom, (good lord) we all crammed into those 3 mirrors... getting our look perfected. So why would I not want to share... tips and advice on fashion, makeup, and trend. Partnering with a cosmetic line https://www.jafra.com/beauty-consultant/kitrynmarie/ seemed so apropos for my mission. Helping creative minded woman walk their talk and strategically put their brand out in the open and market for who they are! Best foot forward with confidence! I feel like I am the luckiest woman in the world being able to offer my best lived and researched knowledge to women who feel lost, who want to start a business, who want to change their image... who want to change the way they spend their money or those that just want to live a new life!

It is quite the empire I am building... the opportunity that lies with each and everything I do...says, abundance flows from an endless source and repeatedly, I am blessed in so many ways!"

So for those that do not quite get it yet, I teach painting lessons. I instruct law of attraction /vision board classes on how to live a more fulfilling life by manifesting all the things that people imagine... and I created an inner circle coaching group where I facilitate and mentor creative-minded women with an entrepreneurial spirit as a life and biz coach!!!!

I have found if you build it they do come! By connecting the dots... and sharing my mission, crossing over on all the social media sites... and in person, I am creating the life I want to live by teaching others how to live that more purpose-filled life all for their higher good.

It is one foot in front of the other every day expecting nothing short of miracles to happen... because I lived a charmed life! and I followed my heart! (thanks Gram, I miss you terribly!)

Meet Me In St. Louis,
Kitryn Marie

Instagram: Kitryn Marie/ KM Designs A Writers_Mind
Pinterest: Kitryn Marie

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