And Action...

Well, it got me! The flu has temporarily moved in... As I explained to the oldest this morning, the last 2 months, adding into account this whole year; it's done me in and I am sick. I must be sick, this cup of coffee I am drinking is the worst I have ever had! Nothing tastes right, nothing feels right and my body is a discombobulation that needs to be laying in bed and not at the computer. {although while I have coherent thoughts I must write} The list of re-do's is heavy in the frontal lobe. {being in a relationship is not one of them} In between the last 2 days of moving slow and repetitive couch action, I mustered up enough energy to whip up a lasagna for Christmas Eve and a pork shoulder roast {pulled pork} roasted carrots and au gratin potatoes for Christmas dinner. Upon awakening yesterday, I made my Christmas morning cinnamon brown sugar muffins for breakfast. They are a big hit! Just ask Sug {dog} she ate 2 this morning while we were still sleeping! It was the most I ...