Oh Francis...Welcome to Nirvana

 Making it through this week's heat was ludicrous! If I have yet to complain enough about not having properly working AC in my house; my kid's truck that I am driving, also has no air! I can not tell you the number of times I said to my kitchen staff if you can't find me, check the cooler! One night my window unit stopped functioning and I woke up drenched in sweat. Anyone who has been in this house for longer than a minute knows the circulation and/or ventilation in the attic is inadequate and the amount of heat in the summer my attic holds permeates through this house! Please please let us get past this summer. I am over it!

I said to the kid yesterday, as soon as the temps drop this week, please cut the grass. There are no goats available right now and our newest addition (more on that in a minute) Francis Bean is going to get lost in what now seems to be a swamp-like knee-deep condition of gangly growing grass! What started out this year as a mud pit has turned into a rainforest! Who said grass wouldn't grow? Ha! I'd pray for rain but if you know St Louis it doesn't cool off it just gets a nice soupy mess of humidity! 

By far this has been the worst summer of my existence. Ok, maybe not the worst but one that will go in the books as productively challenging! Gladly when the calendar reads fall, I will rejoice, I got through it! I persevered through the bs of life and its glory! Praise Jesus! Glory to the most high...

Joking I have said to anyone that has been listening which hasn't been many! I live in Nirvana. It's this way of life I dreamed and what I have gone through to put this humble abode together pretending it's more than it is by way of creative happenstance! Ingenuity is the mother of invention! Somehow you put everything out there one word at a time, one rhetorical statement on repeat and colorfully explain what is seen in your head hoping and praying the right person understands where you are coming from! Then you bottle it, market it and promote it... setting the goal that's going to get you bank! I am not the first to have this brainstorm!

  I never have been a fan of Kurt Cobain or that wrangy thing he married. I have though been fascinated by their daughter and her grand inheritance from her father and the genius work of his time. Some offspring have to do nothing but live in shadows over what once was! and relish in a life of lavish serendipity! Francis Bean.

This leads me into... it just so happens where I am lending my hand (food and beverage/brewery) The entity and all of its people are huge dog people! Foster, rescue and all that pertains to the betterment of humanity! As if my hands and heart were not full enough, overhearing a conversation a few weeks back from the directors about this mal-nourished pup, dumped and disregarded by a hoarder who was dying, A mama and her liter of pups they were trying to find a good home for. Each of the pups was severely dehydrated, a skin condition that was developed from poor living conditions filtrated by fleas and roaches, and underweight due to malnutrition.  It was heartwrenching for these poor-looking babies. How? Why?... Looking at the pictures was overwhelming. Well a few weeks later, I was told, one puppy was left. She had been taken to the vet and given meds and her first round of shots. (Now mind you I just went through 2 mos of a sick horse so another vet bill was nothing I was interested in) I went home after my shift trying not to focus on another mouth to feed. Feeding us had been a struggle these last 4 months. Well my internal spirit that loves to chatter in my ear kept saying, Francis Bean, Francis Bean, Francis Bean and although drilled in my head, "You're not supposed to name a dog until you see it or get it" it was decided I am taking the dog and her name shall be Francis Bean! Nirvana man! It's all I can say!

Francis Bean is maybe 15-18lbs and she is 6 mos old. Her paws are huge so I can only imagine once I get weight on her how big she will actually grow to be! Her ears are bigger than her head! She is a pit mix but right now I see more of some other type of terrier except mostly all skin, short short chocolate hair with an all-white face. I think she resembles a possum. LOL but we are smitten with her! Bringing her home and introducing her to the crew was a walk in the park! As usual, my older dog, Sug aka Nelly thought it was her puppy! The other two now 60lbs each tails wagged happily! A playmate. Lola has a new playmate and Hank, well let us just say, keeps a watchful eye out for that new baby! and me; c'mon I have a routine for them and Francis has fallen right into it! Piece of cake! Herding elephants easy peasy soft and breezy!

If anything Francis has taken my mind off of this summer's misery. I did need a new distraction while adhering to a new work pattern. The job hasn't been difficult and everyone is exceptionally nice, just something is off. I am on autopilot. I can not quite put my finger on what the "off" part is at my new gig. It is me and something I need to analyze through. I am hoping truly once the weather changes my happy-go-lucky self will spring back into life. This year alone has brought disappointment on levels I have never experienced and working through this emotion was nothing I had prepared for. The disdain I feel toward people and their actions is mindblowing.

Nonetheless, I will get through it. Its life! Seasons come and go! Adapt and overcome... til the next assignment comes, right? 

Fate Turns On a Dime! Are you ready,,,

Kitryn Marie

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