Begin... Again and Again and Again; Until You Get It Right

 Captains'  log, August 18th, Sunday; somewhere floating between the sun and the moon. Speeding forward, Fuel is full in this vessel. Daily life has been challenged. Thankful to be steering onward but not happy driving with no end in sight!  The crew is wearisome and my morale is just. {I think this is how Captain Kirk would have started his musing of the day}

Although I probably would relate a bit more to Carrie Bradshaw's writings. "Some experiences are better known for appreciating the fleeting moments of mishaps. It may not be the vessel but the person steering it, onward in a more provincial direction with purpose and intent. Making sure that tomorrow's arrival brings an advantageous style around the sun and the moon which we all exist. "

Nonetheless, here I am! Ta Da!!! Back at it... Meandering between finishing books I started 13 years ago! "When He Had Her" and "Sea Side Shore" Food for thought, fodder for knowledge, and creative insights that the general public would be amused at, consumed over, and educated for all purposes with intent! (there has been a lot of information gained over the last 8) Let us just say, that both male characters in these books totally took wrong turns and resorted to behavior that you would expect in a cheesy romance novel. Deflect, ignore, egotistical and detach with narcissism steering the setting! Now wandering around thinking, "How did I end up here? What was I thinking?" While the female characters are still determined to rebuild what had been denied and taken away from her original goals! Family, travel, love, and a direction planned for peace! {One thing about cheesy romance novels, there is a common denominator in them all! There is always one thing that is the same... the boy does something really stupid and there is a secret not so secret!} LOL Stay tuned!

I do believe we all can come to an agreement the world has not been right since 2020. It is more than apparent to see how gaslighting affected everyone's way of thinking for themself and how conversations have made it very clear who has common sense and who has lost their mind. (remember I observe. It is a haphazard of studying life coaching) There are so many that would benefit from being hypnotized back to 2016 if not further back to see play-by-play where it all went wrong! But what do I know? ;)

Anyway, seasons change and moods set in and this last season whether it be this summer (or the last in my life) it has been a challenge like you can not believe! How does anyone expect to move forward staying in the same place? Why would anyone expect any form of happiness when a human can not veer from their own misery and then expect someone else to tolerate it because they call it love? Misery loves company. No thanks! Giving up on life and its art-vangeous excursions, no way in hell! I will not sit on a couch waiting for life to be watched on TV, rotting in a spot until the reaper knocks on the door! I have had illness stare me in the face! I have a life with a plan and I will get to it! Determination and resilience should be my middle name! Someone else's reality because of fear and uncertainty and stubborn stuckeness is not in my sights and it is pathetically sad that someone can give up like that!

I will preach to the top of my lungs, that health and personal image matter. The way a person presents themself facing individuals on a daily basis is important! It is not ego to take pride in your appearance. It says a person cares about the intake of their face and body image which they present in a world where they are supposedly making a difference to those they come in contact with! Letting oneself go because of misery through a job or a relationship and or addiction is not acceptable! Especially when a person's health is on the line and at serious risk! It is not about being the pretty person! It's about being accountable for what is digested into their system whether it be mental or physical, knowing what is best suited for a long healthy life!

I turned 63 this July. I worked and did my thing! Spent the week mindfully paying attention to the reality that sits before me! There are more years behind me than in front so why would I waste them and why would I not want to look and feel my best doing what makes me feel alive so I can move forward staying active! I also started 2 new gigs! combined with still teaching and promoting my art enrichment classes! Life does not stop because a new age happens and shame on anyone that uses their age as an excuse to why they can not do something! Shame on anyone who uses the same old excuse... again those excuses are fear and not wanting to take the initiative for change because it takes too much effort! Too much work and then what would they have to complain about! It is the complaining and the misery that makes up who they are! Pathetically sad! Victimhood is a horrible place to reside! "you can not play hero to the outside world when you then come home to being the victim of circumstance" #reflection #themaninthemirror

Captains log, 8:59 am time for a meal then full steam ahead. The workload will not get done without the captains' command.

Carrie Bradshaw, "First brunch! A delightful meal shared with friends whose advice comes at a hefty price but someone has to listen"

Fate turns on a dime! It is now more than apparent which side of that coin people chose!

Kitryn Marie


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