The Path Of Least Resistance
The path of least resistance usually flows where there are no blocks and it's just an easier course to navigate through. Where your mind goes follow your thoughts, take note; is it out of habit, a longing for, or a recourse to get back to where you (or your mind) needs to go? Are you intently placing those obstacles there? The path of least resistance tells a logical human with real needs and wants; do what's right! do what's best, follow the law of, and go do what you think needs to be done (based on what you know) to get you through this course allowing nothing that will stand in your way. Ironically though the obstacles that we need to hurdle are our comparison stones so we can understand why the obstacle was there in the first place. Seeing exactly where the block was and what was needed to get around it or getting it to disburse and disappear.
A simpler term would be are you looking at the situation for how it is or are you trying to challenge the opposition by thinking you can bypass the blockage, pretending it's not there or does not exist. Not everything in your life has to end with some great conquest or be met with some challenge of winning. Where you have defeated the enemy, won the girl/guy, or removed the sword out of the stone. Sometimes that path of least resistance just comes from altering your path and not making everything so hard, to begin with. In other words, you have nothing to prove to anyone and you are personally choosing hard things in a very simple life. Where are your thoughts taking you?
Some people are always met with that opposition. They need that challenge to prove their self indulged worth. Just as in some cheesy romance novel. Guy meets girl, girl thinks the guy is a jerk and he does everything in his power to persuade her he is something else... but once he gets the girl, he gets bored because there is no longer a contest and then he is off to conquest something else. The path of least resistance would be...he got the girl, now find some kind of nicety in this prize that you had to chase to begin with but instead, he creates some crisis or chaos drives the girl away and a ridiculous cycle begins with a block he put in place facing another challenge/obstacle! Where were his thoughts?
Another scenario would be a girl gets hired into a job, begs for the position, does everything in her power to get the attention of the powers to be, talks the biggest game ever to make herself look qualified if not overqualified then once she finally lands the position and gets into a role, her lack of skills start to show by not understanding methods of how the job is done or worse starts altering the way things have been done so it better fits her lack of skills. Then having the audacity, tries to question why the people in their roles have done it this way, hoping they do not see her inequality or incompetence for not knowing the duties (at all) in which she was hired for. The path of least resistance would have been, stop overselling herself because she has an inferiority complex. Having a need to prove to everyone that is she is a "somebody" to make up for what she and confidence. The easier path would have been, taking a lower position, to begin with, and learning along the way giving her the ability to adapt at a later date for a job she was willing to learn correctly. Often times ego and the need to win, compete or prove show more about what people are lacking in character than what is needed for the job they applied for. At the time of her applying, what was she thinking?
The path of least resistance is knowing (within your mindful capabilities) what you can achieve, build, put together, and move in a straight direction by not ever having to prove to the world that a hurdle was there... you conquered it and YOU HAD TO JUMP OVER IT! The bragging rights are self-righteous proving once again a self-inflated worth bragging over what you accomplished. We all know life at times is not easy but do we really need to hear about the personal challenges that most people purposely put themselves into? Some people just like hard! They feel the need, if there is not a hurdle to jump, it's not worth the fight or the effort to do.
In a life of choices how we transmit and receive all things is based on that clear line of least resistance. I can not stress enough what you think becomes very real and where there is no challenge, block or obstacle; things, places and people show up in your life with ease. What is meant to be yours will not go past you. Even if a delay, hiccup, or a bump interferes, those are life's little nudges to just wait it out, see a clearer picture, find another route being resilient to never taking your eye or your thoughts off of the place where you see yourself in the end position. Not everything in your life has to be met with an argument, challenge or a competition. The path of least resistance is always set before you but how you interpret your moves and thoughts is where the blockage comes from. What are you thinking?
It is not your place to question how the more reliable path will be set but knowing you will follow an internal lead by what comes naturally. Something that is not met with opposition but how things will just align with your timing and placement of all situations.
The path of least resistance, isn't that how you would like to live your life? If you would like to learn more about this subject and would be interested in my LAW OF ATTRACTION class I would love to have you sign up. We can do an online class from anywhere or if you are in the St. Louis mo area you can book a private class or a group class, where I come to your home with a group of your friends. Email to learn more
So now I ask you? What are you thinking? Where is your mind going? Are you following your thoughts, take note; is it out of habit, a longing for, or a recourse to get back to where you (or your mind) needs to go?
And if you find it difficult to quiet your mind... try to follow your heart, see where it leads, just take your brain with you. Learn to sit in the nothing, until you understand the path of least resistance is always best for your soul!
Be Happy Be Blessed,
Kitryn Marie