Leaps Of Faith

I am sitting here this morning going over quite a few scenarios in my head. The psychological issues associated with money and those that attach to that mighty dollar. Once someone told me, "If you can't be happy you might as well make money" Where I think if you have nothing else to concentrate on or if you live your life in lack, or if somehow you were told as a child "if you do not have a measurable amount of the greens... you are not worth anything!" or is it your fear of not having it, nothing to keep you secure, stable or validated that keeps you in a perpetual motion of chasing it. Money leaves you with the ease of convenience but it does not make who you are as a person. I watched my dad chase that dollar til he had so much that when he died; he really did want to take it with him. His own validation came down to how much money he could acquire. It was his own insecurity of having nothing growing up & he became obsessed with its commodities so it s...