Reason And The Season... It Had A Limit
Everything has a limit and most everything has a shelf life.
(Some things are not meant to last)
Everything also has a season! All relationships, in theory, go through a period of... There is new in Spring. There is hot in summer. There is change in fall. And... cold well ya know! Not everything is made to last. While you are going through the seasons with adaptation, you realize some seasons linger longer than anticipated and by the time it finally ends, you are relieved, you understand its timing, and you are ready to move on to a climate that you are more suited for. (I hate winter, Always have. The icy feel of anything is not my thing!)
Timing, seasons, limits, and perception depend on the degree of separation. People only understand from their level of perception. The view often time is distorted. Some people would rather hang on to something knowing it was not working, knowing... it ran its course and should without further adieu properly place it aside before any kind of rancidity would set in... so that any type of poisoning would never occur. How things can leave a bad taste in... some never recover. Just as lessons in life are repeated until learned... Have you ever had food poisoning? Heart poisoning is worse! It is a place you do not want to be!
A person will stay stuck in or with; for the sake of not being without. They will endure all seasons, regardless and foolishly put up with a time frame that's long overdue for something better suited to a palette. It is easier to keep the past due on some emotional shelf hoping it really hadn't gone that bad! and pray that somewhere along the line, that change in color, or flavor would emulsify and somehow magically could be utilized for some other concocted idea.
Not everything is meant to last. Situations and circumstances bring people together... but situations and circumstances also tear people apart. Some people are meant to come in only for a short time. They are a catalyst to teaching that person a lesson and once the lesson is learned and the period of evolving, awakening or growing is over... it is time for that person to leave!
A woman is not responsible for repairing a badly behaved man's past. A woman is not responsible for repairing relationships with family and or children. A woman is not responsible for being that man's sole attraction or purpose for living. A woman is also not responsible for giving life directions so there is personal meaning for existence.
Just as there is always that last little bit in a jar, bottle... empty is empty and the toll it mentally takes leaves a person just with NOTHING left to give.
Timing and seasons and limits... boundaries that crossed and dates that have outlived a shelf life. It... whatever the "it" is/ was good while it lasted but it is done and gone and more than likely should never have been contemplated in the first place!
Meet Me In St. Louis,
Kitryn Marie