In Order to Change the Environment, One Must Leave the Environment!

In order to change the environment, one must leave the environment! No one can be coerced to living a situation not meant for them! Bottom line! If someone has to force you to stay put and or bribes you with falsehoods... then one needs to recognize the actions it took to make you choose your current stance!

Free will and inter-pendence is a beautiful thing! No one is allowed to hang on someone coattails for the sake of the ride or for the free ride. A person is accountable and responsible for his/her own way! No one gets to milk the situation for the sake of an ego trip or for the sake of not being able to go it alone: and mostly no one is allowed to be a drain on one's emotional or mental energy! For reasons, some can not even comprehend! It gets very old trying to explain something to someone who refuses to understand the message!

For the sake of KARMA too; You can not treat someone like f..k and expect to live a happy life. No one under any circumstances is allowed to tear, break down, berate, use, abuse, destroy, obliterate, lie, cheat and cause collateral damage against another and look for justifications for doing so and believe in their heart of hearts that / that type of behavior is acceptable! What kind of human being does that? (a very self-centered person only out for himself, that's who!)

A woman is allowed to go thru a changing process. She is allowed to access who and what she is. She has the right to change her mind, as often as she needs, to suit whatever the situation is at hand! She has the right and has the ability to gain courage for trying her hand at anything that makes her happy! She has the right to freely love and emotionally give whatever she feels because that is how she is made! She has the right to choose to use her voice to speak up, the right to write to clarify the meaning and also has the right and earned the right to stand on mountain tops proving her points! What God has designed NO MAN has the right to condemn her gifts and her talents because it did not fit into his box of self-indignation!

For most of my working adult life, I have had my hand in food and beverage. It was easy money to be had and it gave way for quite the social life. Being able to work and have fun has its perks! I have also always have had my hand in art. I was born with raw talent. I have not had one lesson. The way my mind works and sees things is unique, it though has taken years to develop my creating style. Like anything in order to become good at something, one must keep at it! A creative mind flows with many ideas till they start to mesh together to create a more purpose-filled life!

As the world was changing in 2008, after working my way to the top of what I call the pinnacle point of my working life, life started to bottom out. For reasons still hard to fathom on a worldly plain and more on an emotional level. No one wants to go from a high paying job to nothing within a matter of months. No one chooses (mostly) to lose their job. Economic circumstances affect everyone! No one wants to become dependent on state benefits but when there is no other choice and you are feeding 6! and the other adult in the situation is NOT able to contribute... it leaves a person doing what is necessary for the cause! Finding an end to the means... hungry people have to eat! Responsible people who have children to feed ...need to be fed.

When a person only knows one way of life and that life does not work anymore it takes a brave woman to branch out on limbs too dangerous for the weak minds to comprehend. When there are also no other choices or ways to fight out of situations that are out of our own control a resilient woman will take what is offered to SURVIVE.

Where in any man's right mind, her reasoning for survival, does he have the right to accuse, turn situations around, use her misfortune against her, tell lies to make her look bad amongst her own friends, misuse and misappropriate any of her material gains for a situation that was conducive for his family and hers to live. Hindsight is 20-20! All matters are temporary. Nothing stays the same and in any relationship, there is ebb and flow. At times there are difficult moments and NO ONE is allowed to take a selfish approach because it did not meet the demand of one's idea of earning a paycheck! At times, in all coupled committed relationships, one has to carry the other. The split is never fair but it is what healthy relationships do. Even as money is tight and it complicates the circumstance, it NEVER gives the right for someone to blindside the significant other and CHEAT looking for someone else to meet another type of demand. ATTENTION!

Maybe because I am the oldest in a birth order and it was demanded of me to be responsible and set examples for others to follow. It was embedded in my brain, no one gets a free ride but you do what you can with what you have to work with until the situation changes. You build credibility by your attempted efforts until you reach the level of your success'! There are no trade-offs! You just keep applying yourself until you find your niche!

Unlike an only child, who grows in to a self centered man that has had everything handed to him and every bit of attention has been doted on him; making him always be in the "SPOTLIGHT" If he is not getting what he wants will throw a god awful tantrum til he gets it his way, causing and creating whatever havoc is needed to appease his selfish right and gain ATTENTION! And if he does not get what he wants he will discard because there is always someone else ready and available to hand something (for his need at the time) to him if he plays the situation just right! Allowing himself one more time to be in the spotlight!

This journey has taken me quite some time to figure out. If it had not been for my classes and studies, I would have never have stepped onto this platform to write, speak, teach and metaphorically guide others to see their actions and behaviors. The human conditioning is a fascinating process, ultimately we do become products of our environments. It is only when we can get to the root core of our behaviors and understand the back story, our narratives to why we act the way we do. The influences of our parents and our outer content that forms our thoughts which become actions. Those actions are often detrimental to someone who has poured their heart out giving whatever for the sake of keeping a situation glued in the hopes of that BIG PICTURE!

If you would like to learn more please visit to sign up for a personal mentoring or a business coaching session. If you would like to understand and come to terms with why you choose what and who and learn to RECOGNIZE your behavioral choices visit Take a class creating a VISION BOARD and learning about LAW OF ATTRACTION. How you can better resonate with healthy relationships.

In order to change the environment, one must leave the environment! No one can be coerced to living a situation not meant for them! Bottom line! If someone has to force you to stay put and or bribes you with falsehoods... then one needs to recognize the actions it took to make you choose your current stance!

My environment has changed!

Meet Me In St. Louis,

Kitryn Marie

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Kitryn Marie or KM Designs A Writers_Mind

Be Happy and Be Blessed!
Kitryn Marie

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