I Usually Know More Than I Ever Say... But ...

I consider my self a highly intuitive person. I usually can sense when things are not right and I have learned to trust my gut reactions. (if it does not feel right... watch your surroundings and if you can get the f..k away... run quick) I really have seen evidence of Mercury in retrograde. Delayed progress! Things not quite going in the direction of what "someone" thought. Hold-ups and big miscommunications, plans going awry and Timing off. It is all about timing, whats right and whats suppose to be in aligned for our life. You can't make a purse from a sow's ear. It just does not happen! You can not force what is not meant to be. See it for what it is! and trust the flow of order.


Before I jump into today's writing, I want to address something, there are certain post in my blog that have been read over and over and over. I know someone is trying to decipher my words and clearly, they are trying to figure out the body of the premise and the meanings behind it. Like I have said, if my words hit a nerve, only you know why it hits a nerve. If you have nothing to hide and you have not been a deceitful person there should be no mystery for someone to figure out.

I also know my stats on this blog have soared. I diligently for the past 2 years have worked very hard, studied online to become another version of myself bettering my abilities to teach and speak and learning how to come to terms with life's hard lessons from the last 5 years. I will add very LOUDLY  The mind replays what the heart will never forget. Some imprints both good and horrifically bad continue to play no matter how hard a person sincerely wants to forget and move forward. Abuse in any form takes on a PTSD and where apologies and forgiveness is expected from the perpetrator; it leaves the person who has been crucially broken reasons to become stronger because there has been no other way but to become BRUTALLY STRONG.

YOU DO NOT ABUSE PEOPLE YOU CLAIM TO LOVE IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE UNDER ANY CONDITIONS OR ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. ITS THE PERSON THAT HAS NO CONTROL OVER HIS OWN MISFORTUNES THAT HE TAKES OUT THE FRUSTRATIONS ON THE ONES CLOSEST TOO. ALL BLAME IS THWARTED TOWARDS THEM BECAUSE THEY FAIL TO SEE THEIR OWN FAULTS AND OWN DOWNTRODDEN MISHAPS. THEY THEN CONTINUOUSLY SEND OUT LITTLE REMINDERS ( to the ones they walked away from {cowards that went looking for someone else to fill or fix their empty because they could not be accountable for their own life} ... thru text, calls, pictures, social media messages, drive-bys etc) LOOKING FOR VALIDATION, THROWING  OUT OBSINTINTIES LOOKING FOR SOME CREDIT FOR THEIR CURRENT ACTIONS AND BEHAVIOR. It has become a game... it is their way of trying to gain and have CONTROL OVER THAT PERSON but yet is said by the same player... "Move on. Get on with life. Enjoy life. ..."

Mind games are abuse! It is in the worst way.


Life becomes a different version when strong has been the only choice. When no explanations or any apologies have been given for cruel behavior that other person becomes a completely different type of a being. Where once a soft and extremely generous person existed now a cautious, reserved and non-trusting person stands. The person is so guarded and becomes focused if not obsessed with the new life and has no other way but to be what others would consider distant or even possibly cold but that truly is not the case. 

 A guarded woman will no longer tolerate disrespect or allow anyone close nor will she allow anyone to take advantage of her love or her generosity. All the things she has worked really hard for she refuses to let anyone take away from her. She wants no help from a sole and any generous offers that come her way she questions every motive. She will push everyone away. There just is really no reason for anyone to become close again and for the new man that comes into her life... he is living chapter 20 of her life in his version of chapter 1 with her. He is made to pay emotionally for the sins of the other. It is not intentional but she is so guarded from the emotional abuse she endured. She just wants to be left alone to find her peace and do her thing... with no constrictions or confinements!


When I started studying to become a life and a business coach, I started to see parallel examples of other women and their lives. As a life coach it is taught, tell your story. Share examples of what happened in your life that got you to where you are now. Share the doubts the fears the mistakes... show others your vulnerability. You are human! You are entitled to have feelings and emotions. You are entitled to have breakdowns and breakthroughs. We all have obstacles and we all have things to get through and to get over. Just sometimes you can't get over it. You learn to live with it and become something else because of it.

I am fortunate. I use a lot of my intuition and I can read between the lines often as I speak to people. I know things before people even speak or more even before I read it thru social media!  I read body language very clearly. I feel and am empathetic towards a person's energy. Abused women have the same damn characteristics and they often don't even know they are being abused. They just think "well this is my life and I love him."  Real love does not keep you down or isolated from your friends or family. Real love and true intimacy is sacred and it does not run around with the likes of cheap women looking to be taken care of and looking for a good time, needing constant validation for who they are!!!. Real love does not continuously reach out to ex's nor does it have someone waiting in the wings because that man didn't like the "answers or responses" he was getting for his out of control behavior.

So to wrap up all this mercury retrograde delays. People see it for what it is. If it walks like a pig... I see nowhere how you can get a purse out of its ear! People are so blind to many actions and the need to rush into what is not right from the get-go. Seriously ask and look for all reason behind the reason to be in a hurry. What is trying to be covered up or what is hidden that does not want to be found out?

I really have seen evidence of Mercury in retrograde. Delayed progress! Things not quite going in the direction of what "someone" thought. Hold-ups and big miscommunications, plans going awry and Timing off. It is all about timing, whats right and whats suppose to be in aligned for our life. You can't make a purse from a sow's ear. It just does not happen! You can not force what is not meant to be. See it for what it is! and trust the flow of order.

Meet Me In St. Louis
Kitryn Marie

If you would like to learn more about healthy relationship goals and would like to find your true potential for what is really meant for you life please reach out and inquire about a coaching/mentoring session. kitrynmarie@gmail.com to see all of my work visit http://kitryn-marie.weebly.com

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