The Life You Give Is the Life You Get

Have you stopped to examine your life? Have you meticulously and intricately taken your life apart and looked at how you are living? Are you getting out of your life what you have given? The life you Live is the life you get! and if you are settling for trade-offs... then apparently you have not given enough and you have learned that it is just ok to settle and when you are settling what are you really getting?

I am not sure which way I want to take this. I have plenty of examples...

I'll start with me. For the last three years, I have hidden pretty much becoming a recluse.(No secret there) I have not quite given up on my career moves but I have given up on dating... extending myself out there any longer has not been worth the effort. Honestly, these last few years have not been the most exciting life to live... but it has been my trade-off. I have settled on being alone and foregoing anymore heartache. (kinda pathetic but oh well! It is what it is... for now!!) I have found if I stay home and play it safe I no longer have to worry about extending my feelings to someone who doesn't understand the concept of  what a  healthy relationship consists of and I am done trying to explain to anyone that relationships are a two-way street. You get what you give! and visa verse.

I have seen too many married couples who feel they are not getting what they want from their spouses but yet they each want to run around like they are single... doing what they want, when they want, with no regard to the others feelings. It's selfish...and disrespectful. Each settling on the choices they had made years ago because it's just easy. They have settled on living in the same house because it would take too much effort and financial and family discord to split. The trade-off being...  living in a marriage with no __________ (you fill in the blank) That is just a very sad trade-off.

I have also seen the couples where one of them is cheating to the high heavens... looking for the trade-off for the excitement, constantly looking for that grass that is greener on the other side!! because he/she can not be happy with what he/she has at home...Where the other one who sits at home not having a clue to what is taking place but somewhere in the back of her/his mind knows something is not right but for the sake of "but I love ___ and I will settle on this type of behavior." It is the worst trade-off ever!!!

And finally let's talk about the person who works in the same job for 25 years, who has been miserable but it has been a paycheck. They diverted off a path of another desired career years ago because of an obligation of one kind or another. They have chosen to drudge thru this life working at a job they hate for the almighty dollar settling on giving up a life long dream of something else that would have made them completely happy and fulfilled!!!

I don't understand these type trade-offs anymore!!!! (that includes myself!)

Cutting myself off from the world wasn't my plan but trying to take time, to figure out my next move in this life has taken longer than expected... I don't want to settle for anything anymore!!! I have a set of standards that I will not allow the trade-offs to interfere with! And I certainly don't have the time to convince anyone I am what they need...for a life of a different kind. If someone can't see me for what I am and what I have to offer then please do not string me along with... games, excuses... alibies and selfish motives. My time and life are precious.

For married couples that want to live that life... shame on both of you! You both get what you deserve at that point.Settling... If you are willing to sacrifice any real love, companionship and intimacy for the sake of a house and a bank account and what a family member might think, then you are the one forgoing real happiness with the right person. That is your loss and it's a long life to the end!

Or for the couples that want to cheat... (let me just smack you! Wake up!!!) If you are not happy... leave! Do not put that person through the devastating heartache when they find out. Tell the truth! Talk the talk...  Odds are that person would be happy to run around with you where at the end of the night you are coming home with each other!!! after spending a great evening out sharing what you both have in common! You came together for a reason do you want to ruin what you have for the sake of a trade-off!!! Why settle for a thrill for a night when you can have the thrill of a lifetime! WTF!!!

And lastly... if you are in a dead end job,You have settled way too long!  It is time to rethink what you as a person needs to be fulfilled. One day you will wake up and it will be too late to change anything! We all have to make money to survive... but do you want your life to pass you by without ever knowing you had another choice and you didn't explore it!

The life you live is the life you get!!!

Maybe it is time to re-examine your life! Meticulously and intricately take your life apart and see it for what it is! Life is too short for the trade-offs because you have learned to settle! and what have you gotten because of it?

You get what you give... and vice verse!

Meet Me in St. Louis,
Kitryn Marie

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