Where I Am Going...

Where I am going, you can't come with me... that is a powerful statement. The girl you used to know, has moved mentally, spiritually, emotionally and in progress; physically. Location location location! Logistics is a state of mind. You are not previe and you no longer have access. Again powerful statements!

I heard Carole King in my head this morning! "It's too late." Honestly, I was never fond of that song. The connotations associated with that interpretation were heartfelt sadness, but now, as an aging adult, I have never heard anything more true.

I am probably now more focused on my end result, the big picture, and how I choose to live out the next 53 years. I plan to live until I am 116! As I have told my son-in-law, I will be holding Rosa's hand ( my youngest granddaughter) overlooking my property when I take my last breath! It is also my pact with God! In the meantime, I continue building the life I have always dreamed of. It is the entrepreneur's way of doing things. It is the layering of projects/products being able to create a multistream income. Any good business mind knows you must have a few eggs in different baskets to diversify funds to sustain. Living authentically, in real time; not on paper and not in tech time. A hands on approach working with the lay of the land allowing it to give back and produce for you. If anyone had half a brain they would study the Amish!


Whatever I have going on currently is temporary. I am seeing light. It is faint but its light and progress. It is been a long temporary phase since June of this year. A series of setbacks most would not be able to handle and during that crisis, I saw exactly the colors of people. I find it so ironic, that some have yet to learn, that you do not add further insult to injury when someone is grappling to find ground. To be the real hands-on working class living paycheck to paycheck raising kids and providing a stable roof overhead. It just has not been me... but the caring of children over a 40-year progression. Not all have been unfortunately blessed, left-handed by dead husband's pensions and SS and houses paid for or repaired for free. (I might add in this mix that this is not to be compared to all of those other parents who neglected their children's needs for a good time) I can only speak for my situation and from my childhood rearing, you be responsible with what you have to work with. You do your chores and pay attention to the details at hand so you can live modestly and within your means. Sometimes bare minimum is just the way it is and to have someone throw accusations at you because you do not have the same materialistic needs is well, a self-centered narc who is only invested in themselves. The aid in recovery is deeper than most realize. It resorts back to the adage, but" I did this for you." Where from my training as a life coach, I question, did you really help or were you looking for some self-gratitude because you had to step outside yourself and now it has caused an internal conflict because the person (you offered assistance) didn't realize you were keeping score and needing leverage so you could hold an authoritative narrative over their head. I have trust issues already but seriously people need to get a grip. I question your motives and the self-derived m.o. Compassion does not equal to terms and conditions. 

Nonetheless, I am seeing light and I have shut out and cut off behavior I have seen over a lifetime! If you have the need to feel so superior... you do not have access to me! It is just that simple. You now can not go where I am going! Access denied!


I have had multiple days off since Christmas. It did not help I contracted pneumonia but I went into my outside gig, did what I needed, and then retreated back to the house to get both of my working studios together. I have a few projects I am working on for the outside gig along with rebooting my art and communications business. { I can not help that people do not have the tools to understand or lack awareness that others actually want more for their lives. How I have gone about studying to add a plethora of knowledge to help teach my classes just shows their lack of intelligence on their part. Small and narrow-minded people stay stuck and chase paychecks.} People who can think on their own not conforming learn how to have multiple streams of income toward financial freedom. I might add unconventional takes work. It is a mental construction of diligence with focus and clarity. The opinion of others can not factor into the purpose or mission. No one can dim the light on creative imagery. Because one has given up on their life, let themselves go, and has chosen the "pick and pull" last chance of life they do not get to throw shade on the one that keeps moving forward... and still holds the vision.

With all of this extra time over the last several weeks, both of my sewing machines are up. I have a couple new ideas (merch) that I will showcase this spring. I plan on doing a few vendor shows. I have a new logo. My art and communication enrichment classes, I am continuing to promote. Life and business coaching are classes I teach. They are not courses. Take what you need and leave the rest! Each class is based on individual needs and personal goals that need to be obtained. It is a series of questions and reflections on where you have been, how you have applied_____________ what was the original plan and what now would you like to see happen. Planning... and setting intentions with a practicum to see it come to life. What most do not realize if there is no creativity in your life; the logical side of life never works. To be a true visionary one must see it from concept to image and then play it over and over in your mind applying each layer in real-time building from the ground up the layout! It is not for the faint of heart. A person has to be honest with themselves and look at the fails they refused to acknowledge over a lifetime of the same actions! (resulting in the same outcome.)


I want to explain the term I use, "pick and pull" It often refers to a junkyard of broken, used ,and outdated vehicles that sit on a lot, wasting away, taking up space until someone comes along and takes what they need to repair or "mask" what needs to be fixed. In psychology, people have a tendency when all of their relationships have failed; they look for some sort of familiar that is going to band-aid what needs to be fixed but they do not want to put the work in to address the need for something new. So therefore as people age instead of adapting to a different situation or adhering to a brand new way of having something better, they will use the "pick-and-pull" method of finding a partner. It is the last chance in their life so to just have something or someone, they will resort to the junk, broken, outdated, wasting away and many times before have taken up space in someone else's life until they can be reused again... it is the recycle and the repetitive actions of just needing someone in their life because they can not be alone. The damage to self is too great so therefore it is easy to find the other broken parts of someone to make themselves feel better about their personal junk! I cannot explain that any clearer than what I just explained.

In my Vison board class in the relationship part of the board based on life coaching, I talk about how "some" people never approach the new car lot. It takes a special kind of mentality to purchase up. All the bells and whistles come with a new set of manuals that need awareness. Most are not equipped with the reading ability required to maintain the new mode of transportation. If they have never had different, better or a newer version of... it is foreign, uncomfortable, and very nerve-wracking. Odds are the unfamiliar of these terms these people always go back to what they have always known... if there has never been a sense of pride in understanding the responsibility that comes with a better-performing anything... they just go back to the same ole ride they have always known... bumpy and predictable because they can pick and pull what they need to make it work... for a while! 

In all of my classes, I use analogies. My students get a better idea of how that image plays out in their minds. It allows them to better understand the way they view their life and the roles with responsibilities that have played putting them in the situations they currently are in and what they need to do to move forward.

I still teach acrylic painting lessons too! My art and communication business is a full-rounded operation which I use in conjunction with working an outside gig in order to make a living on my terms!

Are you interested? Wanna learn and elevate your life? Do you need to start that side hustle and come to a great understanding of what financial freedom looks like? Book the class! reach out kitryn_marie@yahoo.com to schedule. In-person learning! Private or group classes!

One must have the tools to see where you are going. If you continue to pick and pull your life, you never get to the other side of the lot that is really meant for your life!

Fate Turns On a Dime

Kitryn Marie

Understand some people can not go with you in this next phase... Its too late

#entreprenuerlife #coachingforwomen #magicmaker


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