Riding A Bike ... You Don't Forget!
***I love the old adages, it's like riding a bike you don't forget, who says you can't go home... it was as good as the first time from what I can remember...*** (or my favorite!)
All activities require you to stretch...
There are so many things to remember when you are getting older not that I am old but body parts just don't quite jive and groove like they use too. ( I think I'm sad... no, really this makes me sad.) What you can remember, there are things you do forget and all at once you are quickly reminded not everything moves simultaneously while riding high... like when you were younger. (or even a few years back)
Although you thoroughly enjoy the action... the pedals up and down... wheels fast then slow... (if you are not used to it), after you ache but it's a good ache and it makes you want to go at it again!!! Exhilarating... that's what it is EXHILARATING!!!!!!!!!! That moment when it catches your breath because you are so excited... It is a rush of emotions, and you can not remember why you stopped participating in the action in the first place.
It's the feel... the way your hands grip. It's your hold... Your balance... It's the up and down... the back and forth. You halt... you slow down... you speed up and you pray... Dear Lord, don't let me fail now!
Having... needing the correct fit. It's how you're positioned... it's the comfort of what's under you. It's the control from the gears shifting... Your thighs tightening and your hands loosening up. Thrusting forward while your feet let go...and ride high. It's a crazy euphoric harmony between fear and freedom. Your body clinches... and you release.
Aged vessels will show its wear and tear if it hasn't properly been maintained. Parts need to be oiled and lubricated so there is no tears in the equipment and or nothing breaks while in inertia drive. Proper maintenance always... a Must! Even if... Gently used... it still needs to be maintained!
Yes riding a bike...Oh, you don't forget, it's just that your body has stayed at rest way too long... and its time to get back on and go again! And ... I want to go again and again and again...
It was as good if not better than what I remembered... I think now...Maybe it's time to ride home!
Meet Me In St. Louis,
Kitryn Marie