If You Have Something To Say Write It Down

My Aunt Phyllis use to say, "Kit if you have something to say, write it down. If you want someone to know exactly what you are trying to convey write them a letter." This would be the most reason why I write!  (My Aunt Phyllis was my mentor... most everything I know about street sense came from her!)

I have 52 years worth of love, intuitiveness, knowledge and compassion that I want to share with the masses. Too many emotions, words/stories and messages filter in and out of my brain on a daily basis. The more people I know, relationships I'm in and situations I get myself into, I continue to be a deep thinker, a fixer and a nester. It is easy for me to conjure up a solution, a scenario and a meal to soothe or fix...

I always have something to say which in turn is always something to write about! Lucky me right? Oh trust me not everyone wants to hear what I have to say or do they want to read about my judgy thoughts! LOL I though take every ones else's energy in and it soaks up like a sponge and when you take in everyone else's nonsense it absorbs into my heart, my feelings and my mind and writing is how I decompartmentalize it.
Once I have dissected the matter I properly try to put it on a shelf. If I need to write about it, I kindly and gently try to ease it down so I do not distort, damage or curse what it is I am trying to write about!

Nonetheless, it is a release of  my thoughts. As I am writing,  it may very well serve some kind of therapy  not just to me but to someone else. Different situations can occur with the same feeling/outcome from another scenario. Why would I not want to put my spin on an incident for some kind of clarity? Gaining an understanding...to something that can not be understood or resolving a situation for closure! Often times closure is what is needed to heal and move on from there. Writng about it might offer my insight to help someone or give a clearer meaning to why or why not. Writing does serve a purpose to me. It's like coming home.

 Home is that foundation from which you were built and the reasons to why you do what you do.

Everything in this life stem's from your home. Where you were born. Who raised you in your house( mom, dad, grandma, grandpa sister brother etc...) The street on which that home was built. The kids that played with you in that home. The kids you brought home to that house. The values that were bestowed upon you growing up in that house. Later on when you moved to another house... whatever the reason's ? The house you took solace. The home you seeked comfort. The house you ran from.  The place you had a partner, children, created a memory and anything else that you learned from any of those homes over a life time is everything you are today...it is that from which you were built!

 My words have become a safe base. More thoughts, solutions, intuitive messages, stories and meals have come from my kitchen table. My "come into my fold" act is very much a part of why I write!!!  It was how I was raised, encouraged to love and how I was taught to express. "Say what you mean and mean what you say" was the lesson.

There is no place like home and anyone who has ever been in my fold knows that! Those lucky ones who know my hospitality also know and appreciate my written word. They know the feelings that come from behind the powerful messages. My intent is not to hurt but to help.

I am NOT intimidated by my thoughts hence why I write them down nor am I fearful from what is perceived by them. If the message comes across and you understand the meaning then I am glad it was interpreted  correctly and if it has not set well with you then maybe you looked at it all wrong and you have your own set of issues that should be dealt with but do NOT try to make me feel bad for what I say and more importantly what I do!

I am very fortunate that I live in a time, where social media and public venues have allowed me this creative niche. Whether it is from my computer or my kitchen table,  It's a wonderful feeling to know that I have been blessed with so many good attributes that I am willing to share that stem from how I was raised.

I am with a heart full of gratitude for what I have learned along the way and what knowledge I am still hoping to gain...

Meet Me In St. Louis,

Kitryn Marie

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