Cookies And Crumbs And When You Know You Have Had Enough

 As far back as I can remember, I have wanted to write a book, a fictional story. In fact, I have attempted three other books but somewhere in the why of it all, I stopped writing. For some reason, it didn't seem important enough to me to finish the plot. My characters had no reason to be developed and get completed.
I suppose at that time, the characters just didn't have enough substance or there wasn't enough going on in my mind although I had an intended story line.

So what is the difference between now and then you ask?(giggle) Why now do I have this insatiable need to get this book wrote? Cookies and Crumbs is the only answer I can give..When you know you are so hungry for something that you go for the one thing that you hope satisfies the craving!

Also, Maybe??? I am so dissatisfied with my personal life that I feel if I develop these fictional personalities and develop their story line I can live vicariously through their crisis so my life does looks like a piece of a sugary substance.

All I can tell you is, I have this very over active imagination right now and a few characters that I am dealing with in my real life are giving me more than enough delectable bits for a sweet line of a story to make up.

(When people dish out as little of them self and then hold back the rest, it certainly does seem like crumbs. All these crumbs don't add up to a sweet deal of anything. Crumbs only leave you hungry for something else and that something else is what is going to get this book wrote.)

I don't even have a sweet tooth so why do these cookies get to tempt my creative diet??? More than likely it's because they have simultaneous showed up on my discombobulated plate! Just when I thought I had cleared my plate from the discarded unwanted the other decides to surface like the cream that settles to the top. (That I might add I am enjoying immensely!)

 These individuals have hearty appetites of their own that they can not even satisfy. Yet they want to dish out their own stewed concoctions to me with their mouths so full. What they have come to enjoy as fulfilling, satisfying and tempting, I seem to find not so tasty!  So you ask (again) if I am finding this pallet not so appealing, why am I waiting for a second serving???? ( Make note I did not say second tasting or double dipping!!! "that is just gross and ground for bacteria" lol)

I suppose like any other nutrition plan. You find which ration works best for your souled sustenance plan. I am waiting to see which one of these flavors burst with savor. So in the mean time I am taking notes on a recipe for success!

In hind sight, (truthfully) I don't want any of us morsels to fall apart but when you come into my life, you have ventured in to a kitchen where it does on occasion get extremely hot...and it is the way the cookie crumbles. If I am going to have to deal with the crumbs that are served up... It will be me to tell you when I have had more than enough. And for "write" now I am putting pen to paper (ok, maybe fingers to keyboard!!) but  I think you can smell what I got baking! (wink wink) a juicy story in the making!!!

Meet Me In St. Louis,
Kitryn Marie

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