
Sickness and Health...

 As an artist and a writer, I use various "character" terms and visuals to depict scenarios. It is easier for the reader to decipher the meaning because they understand what the term means and they can visualize what is meant behind what I am trying to say. It isn't meant to be cruel although oftentimes it's truthful. On repeat, how anyone interprets what is being written or said depends on how they resonate with what I describe or story tell. That is the beauty of being a writer; I get to write how I have learned of situations or what I have studied or even how something has played out in my life and I get to spin it as I see fit. Aging has its ups and downs. How one has taken care of their personal health and the habits they have committed to plays out at the end of life. Also depending on who you have coupled up with and tolerated their habits and routines, it affects you, regardless of how well you have taken care of your physical being. If abuse has occurred thro


 My crayon box is full, and they are SHARP (say sharp with a Boston accent. It's more impressive). It has been another week from hell, and today is my only day off. What exciting things can I accomplish today? How far can I push myself in 12 hours? I've been up since 5ish! Got the dogs on hold for breakfast... need to pound a few keys out first! The written words of wisdom! {keep minding my business!} Besides the usual, WTH is wrong with people, let me tell you about this lady, I had the not-so-lovely experience with. Ya know the one that thinks if she complains it should be free! Or the one that winks, if I can slide an extra something onto her plate, she will be forever indebted to me... ya know the one that got charged a 2.00 difference because she couldn't get the soup and salad with fried chicken as the lunch special? Yeah, that one that ran me back and forth 4+ times because she didn't like the beer cheese soup! {it had chunky vegetables and she couldn't under

Do We Really Understand What Closure Means?

 During the week, as I am driving from place to place, I do this dialogue thing in my head about topics I want to write about or speak on. I have not done many videos in the last several months. My throat chakra is clogged. LOL or as my youngest used to say when he was little, "There's a chicken in my throat" aka cat has my tongue. It emotionally hurts right now to speak to the masses. Too many people are suffering and while I have always tried to be informative and inspirational, it is not enough to help anyone. Writing has been my voice and it gets all the thoughts out in a cohesive manner. There is devastation all around and people are clinging on to things they do not even know they are clinging onto! #jellyrollbarelyhangingon Closure, someone out there is looking for closure. Someone is thinking, "Why can't they let this go" "Why can't they move on" "Why does this matter, subject, time frame etc.... keep being brought up?"  As a

Just Because This is What you Know; that Doesn't Mean This is All There Is

 Just because this is what you know; it doesn't mean this is all there is! (NOW RE-READ THAT) Just because you live one life probably very closed-minded, it does not allow you to criticize how someone else envisions their life or the goal that are trying to obtain. Closed-minded says, "It's too late and I am too old" Also impetuous says, "This is my last chance" jumping at a hastily made decision because, at the time, it seemed like the right thing to do with the wrong person. No compromise just settling for... tired exhausted let down by life. Right now someone is out there old, thinking they are the salvation to a mess that has been in the works for years. Caretaking someone who never looked at the root cause of all the upheavals in life or the devastating steps taken while meandering through life making every bad choice available because it was easy! The first someone thinks she is the answer to the problem and is very lucky at this time (old) to have fou

How Well Do You Know

 There is no rhyme to my reasoning on the topics I write about lately. I am very well aware, that someone is STILL minding my business, and someone else is studying EVERYTHING I write. I laugh! {Makes you ask yourself, how well do you know _________________} Fill in your own blank there! If people would pay attention, listen between the lines, and decipher the spew, you may see the person you think you know! (People I hear your thoughts! Just stop!) LOL Right now someone is reeling and angry! While the other has been doing a double talk in word salads! For better or worse right? SMH (BIG sarcastic smile) Also, the opportunist is questioning and replaying everything in that small mind that occupies that pea brain. When you are drunk, high or chasing tail (dancing with fat clowns)... realizing, at a time, that what you have is not important. Listening to a lifetime of stories and the names of people and family members, or important dates and college courses/classes things get missed beca

Random Writes...

 Well, this is where I am not; dodging a hurricane (done it twice. Nola and Pensacola) and Not rerouting a flash flood in Kentucky on my way to Tennessee. Although I didn't appreciate the Mountains of rain and fog in Georgia, I too am not there! Trust me I hear my suitcases calling... The goal has always been to live a life you do not need to escape from! {I hear people from a distance screaming at silent decibels trying to escape. I remind but you chose that! } I say to my friend who I've been hanging with, ya know the one from 40 years ago, her mom passed last week and I share every one of her sentiments, It is not easy! Never is... but in my silly humor I say to make her laugh, I'm itching to go to Table Rock! Doesn't that sound fun? With no pause, she yells hell no that sounds terrible! I laugh out loud, she loves a good party. I love nothing but silence, tranquility and the water! Weather no mind... you're just gone! Countless times, I have been to Table Rock!