This is my second attempt tonight to write. Earlier in the day, after coming home not feeling great trying to push through this ick, I figured I'd sit here and pound out some thoughts. It didn't happen, too dizzy. So I made some chicken soup and made a video instead. 😳 It doesn't have to make sense. Trust me! Whatever this ick is it will pass after it lingers of course for 2 weeks. That my friends is the beauty in having a form of leukemia. Those white cells just don't quite have the stamina it needs. They will go on over time and overdrive and I will drag through til it's gone. I'll be fine! I'll be fine! (fingers crossed and a prayer) What would be so important I need to get this out tonight? You ask! And I will answer because the small and narrow-minded in the back need a few things repeated! Apparently "some" do not understand the meaning of secondary learning or YOU CAN FIND A TOPIC THAT INTEREST YOU and read and study on the subject! (said