

 This is my second attempt tonight to write. Earlier in the day, after coming home not feeling great trying to push through this ick, I figured I'd sit here and pound out some thoughts. It didn't happen, too dizzy. So I made some chicken soup and made a video instead. 😳 It doesn't have to make sense. Trust me! Whatever this ick is it will pass after it lingers of course for 2 weeks. That my friends is the beauty in having a form of leukemia. Those white cells just don't quite have the stamina it needs. They will go on over time and overdrive and I will drag through til it's gone. I'll be fine! I'll be fine! (fingers crossed and a prayer)  What would be so important I need to get this out tonight? You ask! And I will answer because the small and narrow-minded in the back need a few things repeated! Apparently "some" do not understand the meaning of secondary learning or YOU CAN FIND A TOPIC THAT INTEREST YOU and read and study on the subject! (said

Good To Go

 I am good to go! Its Friday!!!!! My only day off... been up since 6:00; Ms Bean did not start her holler'n til then. {thank the high cooler heavens} Her and that shrill would give a rooster a run for his money! We are working on winter manners and her inside voice! Right now all 4 of the fur babies are sleeping and I have a mound of things to tackle today.  My flyer is made for Paints and Pints on Monday nights! Ruby needs feed and the dogs are out of coconut oil for their food. Once I get my fill of coffee, shower, and make my bed, somewhere around 11:30ish I will be out the door. There is a deep nap planned for this day too! Fridays tired hit hard around 3:00! The mental wear and tear on my body catches up to me. Those 12000-15000 stepped days seem to play havoc on my hip and knees, combining now with an ankle that needs to crack. How I jammed it this week? Unbeknownst to me! This week's conversations took turns from which I veered. I'm clearly staying far from the polit

Finding My Quiet In a Noise Filled World

 To quiet the mind! How is it all working for you? As I position myself, keyboard in lap, coffee at my right, dogs in crates behind me, and a pot of boiling water on the stove, right now life is quiet and at a standstill! these early mornings at 4:30 am are getting on my last sympathetic nerve but the world is still. I watch the sunrise and sit and think until the dogs stir and need to be fed. (I have roughly 35 mins and then I will get the glare) This is my last Sunday off for a while! It is what it is until some sort of normal resumes my life. My gig last night was canceled lack of attendance. Again it is what it is! You can't turn a pig's ear into a silk purse. Especially when the purse is empty. Sunday night working is all a crap shoot! Those last-minute guests, trying to make the most out of the weekend and stretching in on more dinner out before the rooster crows Monday morning at 4:30 am. {I do believe that is the new normal as we age} I have spent most days off cleaning

The Dance Looks Different These Days

 Friday, let the madness of the week and world fade away! It is a perfect fall day! I am home today and the next 2 until it begins again with yet 2 more shifts added to the mayhem! Although I enjoy the "purpose" and the reason for "doing" too. Promoting looks very different from the experiences I have yielded in the past! The dance is different! I have been given the green light to utilize space on a grander scale for my art and communications classes! It has been more than a hot Arkansas minute since I had to preplan and prepare for marketing, prepping and teaching. With the world mostly on economic hold and customers, clients and students watching pocketbooks, my razzle and dazzle needs to be stepped up. Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! That hole is deep, the hat is tall and that frisky rascal wabbit is down there somewhere but in the meantime let's pull the cat out of the bag! Mon-Thurs daytime combined with Sunday evening, I lend my hand, knowledge, and

The Path That Chooses...

It would seem, I have a stream of new readers, or I stick with my original thought, Someone is combing through 11+ years of writing. What are you trying to understand? The biggest question I get is: How did I get to this point? and Why did I choose this art, communications, and writing path? As much as I would like to answer the path chose me, I will say, if It was not for the ability to use social media as my medium, my minute college classes and or life coaching studies would have never taken flight or given me any type of recognition in regards to my art and communication work. I still have a long way to go and more to achieve. The road to success is paved with hard work, failure and perseverance! Combined with willingness and stubbornness and tenacity meshed with the ability to understand it all comes with hard knocks. I don't give up! I pause, reflect, redirect, take long breaks and then pick up the pieces to assemble in a very baroque way! Frances, my rescue and I are adaptin

A Season Of Another Kind... Cocoon and Learn! I am Here To Teach You!

 I spent a complete day yesterday cleaning and rearranging furniture. Cocooning differently this season, I have four dogs, a few cats, and a path clearly designed for these rooms. Feng Shui says to leave all doorway paths open so energy can flow through the house, bringing free opportunity to glide its way in! And it also gives me a pre-birds eye on where the Christmas tree is going this year! After all, it is almost the end of October! C'mon!!!!  The truck is back from the shop for the second time, and thank God my son-in-law is a gem! I still am panhandling a loan from someone who sees's not everyone needs to be in credit card debt to prove the ability of creditworthiness. It's insane!!!! "while we see you have an income with a pretty decent credit score, I am sorry but you're not in debt enough for us to really understand your paying back quality" Do what? SMH I do have a mortgage! "Um that's not enough" WTF! I have a job! I have a steady inco

Sickness and Health...

 As an artist and a writer, I use various "character" terms and visuals to depict scenarios. It is easier for the reader to decipher the meaning because they understand what the term means and they can visualize what is meant behind what I am trying to say. It isn't meant to be cruel although oftentimes it's truthful. On repeat, how anyone interprets what is being written or said depends on how they resonate with what I describe or story tell. That is the beauty of being a writer; I get to write how I have learned of situations or what I have studied or even how something has played out in my life and I get to spin it as I see fit. Aging has its ups and downs. How one has taken care of their personal health and the habits they have committed to plays out at the end of life. Also depending on who you have coupled up with and tolerated their habits and routines, it affects you, regardless of how well you have taken care of your physical being. If abuse has occurred thro