Open The Flood Gate

The Monday morning slug... the slowest of crawls dreading the start of the week. Are you feeling it? It is raining like heck here in St. Louis. The flood gates down the street are open, a usual sign for that creek that sits yonder; it is about to overflow and the residents that sit below my street will need access out! UGH and just YUK! . We are on year what? The day? Who cares its Monday... into the 12th of get the F... out of here! This life is not working! Right? I can hear you all the way over here! From whatever part of the country you live in! It's gotten very old, hasn't it? This life you pretend to exist in... how is it working out for you? That tradesman who rushes to get out of his house to go nowhere with no jobs on the books but he has to look like he has a place to be... to escape whatever is in his household. (only to be at the bar by 11:30) How bout that worker, boots on, tools all clean waiting to jump through puddles dive deep into the murky waters so he/she c...