What Is Your Claim To Fame?

What did not kill me only made me be aware of my greatest strengths! My greatest strengths that made me realize my personal claims to fame... and the many things I am to be so proud of! It is not the biggest mistake of our lives that makes us come to a reckoning with self but the realization of what one considers to throw away... another swoops up and calls it a treasure! 

Ya know "girls like me (us) that are so into ourselves" (that will never get old! lol) that look at the life ( those moments) we were told we had to live; only to be cast aside because us girls like me didn't fit into someone else's selfish agenda, expecting to give up more than we had and submit and comply to a life because someone else could not see the diamond in the rough just waiting for the opportune moment to shine existence towards another way of living. Control is how one can force their way onto someone else's life making it look like it is a benefit for all but really only serving one.


"When He Had Her"

Hank was so used to getting his way. A doting mother that was coerced into dipping into her bank account; his father's pension so he would not lose his home after his wife up and left him. Ann, an emotionally tired, mentally exhausted, abused and alcohol addicted woman who was just sick of his manipulations. She had always made more money than him and once and for all; sick and tired of supporting his cheating ass. The convenience of her paycheck while he went to school. His betterment... while the rest took a back seat financially. The emotional toll, her icing on the cake. His whole life someone was handing him something! A job, an opportunity, money...drugs. Cocaine being their drug of choice. The alcohol was just easy, convenient and always on hand. Affairs of the heart with other people to chase the high... something smooth and easy that went down like a fat bad whore on a south city street. Trash... it was always around and easy for him to find. It was what was so gosh darn comfortable to him. There was never a reason to strike at anything else... if someone was going to hand it to him. He would never have to dig emotionally deep to find anything of any kind of worth. Like a crow scavenging for a bauble cheap and shiny that would surely answer to his mating call... a sexual obsession that went hand in hand with chasing that next high. Looking for the next best thing!

Trolling for his next fix... easy marks that he could lay some charm on. Someone from another bar, county or even a state away. That never would know the truth. He would never have to work for a thing because if he could lie his way through his teeth; if there was something in it for him and someone was going to go out of their way to give up their life, their possessions, family, and friends... it was what could serve him at the moment. Until he would become bored and off he would fly because someone else was always waiting in the wings... flashing something to catch his wandering eye.

It took Beau years to see the truth. Years of being called fat and looking for someone to take care of her, when in actuality it was the other way around. It was now resounding like an echo coming back...calling the kettle black? after Hank spending years with Ursella, an obese embarrassment of a woman, a crowd watching her give up her home to support and lend a hand in his drunken merriment. There was no wonder as to why after an inheritance he paid her off to get out of his house. He was ready to have the next move in. He had used Ursella to his best advantage and now a continued crowd watched as his new half-witted blond hag hung on his every lying pathetic word. Sadly she was about to have her life crushed with so many truths. Black bird, black bird, caw, caw... {to be continued}


I have spent these last years learning, observing, being creative and forming a new way of living. My eyes have been opened through so many new experiences always searching for reasons and watching true social experiments right in front of everyone's eyes. Sociology is a wonderful class. It has become such the needed tool in my personal mentoring and business coaching. And although I used to think my children were my greatest fame to claim, it is now how I have learned to utilize my gifts and creatives talents to make a living. Good old fashion ingenuity teaching others to see the truth through my coaching classes. Seeing it for what it is and not for how you want to be or worse how you wish it to be!

A running mouth gathers feet and where there is a bunch of people they love to talk... and some have no clue to where those feet have been. It is not so much of "things being sacred" but the things that get exposed by the behavior that follows in where those feet have been! And if you look closely... the prints are right there leading you to that first path of least resistance! {The path of least resistance is the physical or metaphorical pathway that provides the least resistance to forward motion by a given object or entity, among a set of alternative paths. The concept is often used to describe why an object or entity takes a given EASY path.}

So as I close out this writing and I continue to move forward with my next business endeavor, I invite you to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel "Kitryn Marie" so you can see in living time what is happening with KM Designs and K & M Enterprise. My greatest strength has led me to wonderful opportunities. Truly my personal claim to fame is about to reveal itself! I hope you stay tuned... or better yet sign up for one of my classes! https://kitryn-marie.weebly.com or https://kmgraphicapparelandart.weebly.com 

Teaching you too how to have this kind of revelation, adventure and exploration of the heart, soul and mind.

Meet Me In St. Louis
Kitryn Marie

#writer #artist #influencer #educator #instructor #speaker

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