What Good Is Any BIG PICTURE?

I love the feel of an early Sat or Sunday. The early morning ease and the relaxation of not having to go any place. My coffee at my side. My mind as still as it can be so I am able to contemplate where I have been and how far I have come and where I still want to be. With each sip as I sit in my spot and look out a big picture window, wheels start to click and I pray on how I'd like to see it all come together. The finishing touches that need to be finalized for this journey that I started in 2013.

What good is anyone's life if you do not have a dream and a goal? What good is any BIG PICTURE if there are no plans to get you there? What would be the whole gosh darn dag nab reason if you could not see the END RESULT in real time? Often painstaking with quite the bumps and bruises, metaphorically, emotionally or sadly physically! Sh.t happens! How we deal, learn some crazy coping skills and strategically plan life depends on how brave one can be to brace some pretty f'd up situations they thought they would never have to deal with. There are always two sides of a coin and like my dad used to say, "Fate turns on a dime" You think you have it all figured out and there are moments where you have hit the lowest place this life has had to offer but yet than through these moments you did not see coming... that shiny object of value is tossed by the gods of karma and fate steps in.

I talk in any of my classes or my videos about having heart and soul. Your heart a vital organ that pumps oxygen and blood thru your body to sustain life. That same organ that beats to a rhythm that some take for granted. That same organ that breaks each and every time disappointment or heartache descends in our lives. Its recovery often times a slow process... once oxygen is depleted through stress, illness and heartache, the moments in our life that make it so hard to breathe that 4lb muscle made up of chambers weaken and if not careful does more damage than one will ever realize.

Your soul which fills your body with a space that occupies passion and joy. All within that space holds your belief system. That chamber, a space that fills your being, allows you to believe in things you can not see but knows to exist... this vital component is often not acknowledged or recognized because (for some) some form of UGLY has taken over personal actions. Life has hardened your disposition and you live your life from a shallow existence. With no soul, a person lives an automated repeated routine life with no direction but a pattern expecting nothing but what is happening at the moment. it's a surface life... Addicts and alcoholics, abusers and the likes of...never rely on soul and rarely believe it resides within them. The soul is the one entity that deems the term black, empty and with no cause. {A person with no soul is so easy to recognize}

But... a person who recognizes their soul lives a life so beautiful it is hard for one not to know it is there. That person lives life in a full rounded reality using all of the 6 senses knowing life is never routine, takes chances based on a secure belief system and feels things at a capacity that can not be measured on any man-made scale. Everything that person touches or comes in contact with changes that portion of life for the better. That person who feels their soul sees things in the truest and purest form and nothing can distort that entity or how it is shaped. It can not be shaken or distorted and when there is illness or stress it can not be separated from the heart but can be departmentalized deciphering the differences from the moments as it is happening. Once passion enters a person's life the joy that resides it never leaves... that energy resides forever. Events through trauma, heartache, and tragedy, as the heart slowly breaks the soul is there to repair! (over time the strength that the soul has developed depends on how determined that person has chosen to live out in their passions.)

Writing and cathartic healing is a blend of heart and soul. When I am teaching my blogging classes, I transcend the message in order for anyone to see the real you and to understand the why YOU MUST REVEAL YOUR SOUL. It allows people to connect with you on such a deeper level. It will not matter if they are buying anything from you (at this time) They are though getting to know you and they are finding out if they want to trust you with their time and down the line... their money! Conveying your message can take many different forms. When I started out in 2011 (the real beginning to it all) I wanted to write a book. Hell, I wanted to write 2 books... it was important that I pour my heart and soul out onto pages because there were lessons and messages that needed to be read. Those fictional characters with real-life happenings depleted my heart and I was not going to deprive my soul of reaping the benefits!


WHEN HE HAD HER:  A man who never saw his own worth because he was raised to feel entitlement to all his claims/ personal, material and relationships. It was easy to gravitate to the lesser type or cheapened kind of situations and people to feel superior so he could feel a sense of power. If he could be the life of the party or the center of attention life was grand but If he could not get his way, he would abuse, cheat, lie and then discard. Love was a game and what he ONLY chose to attach to was his sense of what he could gain to feed his ego. If his ego was not stroked, put on some pedestal to be made the hero or if he was not able to call all the shots he had no sense of control Therefor he would have no worth. (Something learned from his father)

Childhood trauma and domestic abuse was his learned trait. Respecting women was never in the equation, even when it came to his own children. Secrets and lies... they were his belongings and possessions and he could twist the facts in any way he deemed so it would work in his favor. It never would have mattered which woman descended into any of their lives, if it did not work to his advantage he could create an emotional storm and place blame elsewhere so he never would have to be accountable for all the selfish addictive chaos, crisis, and drama that he caused. Love was just a word to him. And if he was to call his dog and that new woman in his life his best friend... apparently the word  LOYALTY was also distorted because in order to hold that title one would have to understand the meaning to the term.

Life on a barstool or in some commune type arrangement if it did not center around him and his... co-dependence and what he imposed on any of his woman. If they did not go with the flow and dote their total existence on him and his addicted behaviors... they would be replaced. It was expected for them to give up everything they ever knew...right down to their own personal life if they ever wanted to play in the game he called his life. It was easier to change out women than to recognize and change horrific behavior. Love was never a game to her and he probably should have had some well thought out hindsight before he met ____________! Because this one was different and there was no way shape or form he was gonna get anything on her or by her! Smart was smart... and he was a damn fool if he ever thought she was gonna play by his rules! Sadly he had been mistaken. In her book, love was not an attachment but an entity that was given the freedom to grow on separate levels bringing together the intricate parts of intimacy not based on material gains but personal growth each bringing something sustainable to a long term committed relationship.

 If easy and no mind of her own was what he was looking for... he now had it with some haggard mousey bleach blond that followed his every move. She just one more a replacement of another beastly pawn to push around on that board. Gatekeepers and key holders that held spots right next to that barstool life he felt so gosh darn comfortable on.

If people looked in the mirror and saw their character and then glanced over at to what was next to them... the reflection pretty harsh. Mirror images are not hard to recognize!

SEASIDE SHORE It was easy for him to cast aside. When you have been shifted from port to port there was never any reason to attach. The term to wear your heart on your sleeve was just that a term. Non- complicated had no real feelings. There would be no reason to attach. Drink a few, f..k a few and leave. Work, it was easy to work. A man could hide behind his work, make all the money he needed save and scrimp on life and anything or anyone that came into it! A man never has to be accountable or responsible for anyone in life if he keeps running. But then again that was what he was taught. " I don't have time for you so let me just leave you here because I have to run..." Attachments and time a common theme... no real reason to stay. When a person is taught deprivation it starves a person for things he did not know he needs or the things he never really knew existed!

He never in his life planned on her! Never in a million years would this one get under his skin... she, all on his last nerves encumbered in all her crazy notions. No women could take care of a resort by herself wtf was she thinking. Amused, he was annoyingly amused by her tenacity and stubbornness... but he was for certain, he was not going to stick around to find out how this was gonna turn out... fun and games were what he had in mind and all he had time for. The next job was about to set sail... banter and verbiage...wah wah.. was all he heard until that whistle blew at the dock. There was oil to be found deep in that ocean and as long as it would take he would stay gone so he would not have to attach or feel a G-damn thing! It was easy to just stay gone and angry! Complications made him angry!

The stench of stupid men and ignorance for thinking they knew how to do this job! They hadn't hired him on to be a supervisor they had hired him on to be a baby sitter for a bunch of smelly whiney incompetent grown men! Someone was needed to go to the bottom of the rig... he knew those newbies could not handle that task. Encased water pumps and electric did not go hand in hand and the sludge caught in the deep of that well was creating a blockage and if it was not to be fixed soon oil would filter out across that ocean far and wide. Ecological disasters in epic proportions were not gonna happen on his shift! Angrily he suited up for the job.

All the kid had to do was watch the time and numbers on the gear. That mechanism that showed pressure... once that red arrow hit this mark... he was to switch off the machine. That was his only job!!!!

Disgusted by how the last 3 months turned, she sat on the edge of the beach, toes in the sand and a drink in her hand looking out onto the water. Her eyes far stretched to the edge of the glistening blue. Her mindset somewhere between complacent and wanting to just give up! This resort meant everything to her. Her heart and soul resided in every ounce of this beach area. If there was ever a real meaning of home it was right here in this seaside community... it did not matter who was with her or helping her. She had an agenda and she would be damned if anyone took her dream away!

Helicopters swarmed the sky and the sirens started to blow... a common for all ocean patrols when a ship was in distress. As she stood to see which direction the helicopters were flying... in the far distant a thick black smoke descended in the sky. The same direction she knew his rig was positioned in... the sirens got louder and louder and her heart sank to a place deeper than any ocean floor.


So now do ya want to talk heart and soul!? I did not take all those journalism, writing classes and coaching courses for nothing! To pour out your passion and write what resides in your heart and your soul it goes beyond any healing. It is the thing that makes a person whole and complete in this journey to the BIG PICTURE. Seeing the END RESULT does not have to come down to the end of a chapter or the close of a book. It's all the words and action in the middle of life that matters and makes the biggest difference in all of our lives!

I will get back to finishing those books. There are chapters yet to be discovered and a few things that will be rewritten. I HOLD THE PEN! I always have... It's not about control (in my book...LOL) it's about how one affects the heart! and how one's soul deepens because of it!

If you would like to learn more about my blogging and branding class send me an email at kitrynmarie@gmail.com If you would like to see all of my work please visit https://kitryn-marie.weebly.com and https://kmgraphicapparelandart.weebly.com

Please find me on Facebook and Instagram KM Designs A Writers_Mind and subscribe to my youtube channel Kitryn Marie

All questions are welcome!

Meet Me In St. Louis,

Kitryn Marie
#writer #artist #speaker #instructor #lifeandbizcoach

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