It Is Coming Down To The Wire

It is coming down to the wire. A few more mos and he is done! I am done! All my attempts, good efforts, love, admiration, affection, care, guidance, and direction will be put to the ultimate test. We will all see in living motion that walk down that proverbial aisle. Headed for bigger, greener and brighter days ahead. My heart be still! How can this be? How is this possible? No wait STOP! (No! LOL This is not a scene from my ex's impending doomed marriage! Your welcome! ) This is though, a scene as my youngest graduates from high school. My baby is ready to take center stage and accept his very first acclamation towards completing a daunting, thought out, drawn out 4 year assignment. GRADUATION!!!! We are done! Well, at least we are done for highschool! ( a mothers job is never finished) The child I chose to have at 40! My gift from the heavens! Tyler Alan D. has done it! I can not be any prouder! The bond that he and I have, has and always will astound me! He asks for nothing!...