In A World Of Noise
In a world of noise, how do you silence out what no longer serves? How do you pick and choose what you want to hear or who you want to hear it from? Who are you going to believe when so many things have been put in front of you and how do you decipher what your heart and intuition are telling you? What facts are you really studying and how are those facts affecting your life?
Although I never want to make any of my post about politics, I will say I have mostly turned off the news and refuse to hear about anything that puts me, my family and our country in harm's way. Family, faith and America first. My freedom of speech. My freedom for creative entrepreneurship and my freedom for American Capitalism. I believe in God and I believe my voice, my words and my actions make an impact; even if in the smallest way.
In order to teach anyone on anything a person first has to be willing to understand the fundamental concepts that go along with the lessons. What is learned at the time may not even have a true impact until somewhere down the line in your life. What your brain takes in at the time of listening may not have the full benefit until you start to see the real consequences and how it has been applied to your life. This is true in all social economics, dynamics and relationship statuses. You may be told quite a few facts in all but what you choose to take in depends on what you are willing to see and understand at the time of getting the information. The real truths of such will happen as you choose to ignore the facts. and subsequently will be presented to you whether you want them or not! " What's hidden in the dark ALWAYS shows in the light"
We pay for it one way or another. A trickle-down effect affects us all. One bad relationship from the past someone else emotionally pays for it. One angry addict's behavior, his partner endures the debilitating toil. The women who is in an abusive relationship, it ultimately damages her worth. A person who lies and cheats pays the heaviest for his deceit... because it sacrificed his integrity and it catches up to him. Bait and switch apply to more than business tactics. We buy into with out reading between the lines and reading the reviews from prior ______________! (you fill in your own blanks)
An empath and or an introvert will find it extremely hard to hear what she can instinctively know is a lie. That quiet individual has taken in so much visualization that there will never be another way to see it. That same person who has endured the likeliness of any form of deception will be able to call out the B.S. hands down from a perpetrator or a willing victim that accepts the B.S. that is about to be handed to them on a proverbial platter! ( or who even looks like they are heading down that path). As if it has been now dutily sworn, they now know the impact that it has had and how it will happen. They will remotely shut it all down. The silent brave rebel is nothing to take on or tackle against. Speaking out or against in the most subtle of warfare. They will move about their business and daily task with stealth like motion not causing an out loud stir but will go about protecting in a tactical maneuver that she knows how. Calculated intelligence! (Feel free if you choose to apply this to your political party. It happens all the time. Although in this case, I am applying it to personal relationships related to sociology)
Not all relationships are verbally explosive, but it is the ones that claw and fight their way to get the attention they need to state their cause. They will disrupt every bit of life creating the biggest traumatic scene for crisis, drama and chaos... because that is what they know. It is learned behavior seen and mimicked. It is a scare tatic to make someone pay attention to the threats. (whether it be physical or verbal)
A man that watched his father abuse his mother, keeping her isolated from friends and family, hearing her cries in the night from the abuse will ultimately take on those same character traits. That man with a heavy hand and a hardened heart teaches his son by a living example of... its a manipulation of the control. That son as he grows to be a man takes that learned behavior and then throughout his life uses it to his advantage to get what he wants. He creates a dialogue, a verbal script to use on his willing partner to coerce his ways onto her. It is a cruel deception on his part charming words that fool the unknowing.
That same type of person will also take advantage of the other parent. Often siphoning money from because of self-entitlement and or will marry someone who can fit in that same category. Imposing the same conditions upon. It is a vicious cycle...
The dynamics in how each of us grows up play such integral parts in our lives. As a young child, I would hide under my covers (for safety) listening to my parent's fight. As a teen, I hid under my covers to be left alone.(from a noisy household. Everyone talked at one time) As an adult, I developed the need to be alone and read and study... observing and trying not to participate unless I absolutely had to! Life of an introvert and or an empath, I take on so much energy from others and my intuitive skills have helped me in ways often hard to describe. Taking my own character traits and applying them to my classes I teach and or my coaching sessions.
We each gravitate to certain types of people. We often repeat the same type of people because that what and who we identify with. There is a real thing called "Mirrored Identity" A women who has been in a series of abusive physical and emotional will ultimately gravitate to the same kind of man. She refuses to see what she has already dealt with thinking the next one will be different... sadly though the lesson before ignored and she now has the same and will endure the same outcome.
Lessons in life are repeated until learned. Behavior does not change until the actions are held accountable and recognized. How you choose to ignore the signs will affect you one way or another... past behavior unequivocably always presents itself in future behavior.
In a world of noise, how do you silence out what no longer serves? How do you pick and choose what you want to hear or who you want to hear it from? Who are you going to believe when so many things have been put in front of you and how do you decipher what your heart and intuition are telling you? What facts are you really studying and how are those facts affecting your life?
In all situations see it for what is presented and how its presented to you. Read between the lines and decipher the real facts because it is going to show up in one way or another... you will inevitably pay for it! I promise you that!
Meet Me In St. Louis
Kitryn Marie
If you would like to learn more about my personal mentoring and business coaching please like share and follow me on FaceBook to see my live streams
If you are interested in any of my art classes please visit I have open enrollment for my classes.
Although I never want to make any of my post about politics, I will say I have mostly turned off the news and refuse to hear about anything that puts me, my family and our country in harm's way. Family, faith and America first. My freedom of speech. My freedom for creative entrepreneurship and my freedom for American Capitalism. I believe in God and I believe my voice, my words and my actions make an impact; even if in the smallest way.
In order to teach anyone on anything a person first has to be willing to understand the fundamental concepts that go along with the lessons. What is learned at the time may not even have a true impact until somewhere down the line in your life. What your brain takes in at the time of listening may not have the full benefit until you start to see the real consequences and how it has been applied to your life. This is true in all social economics, dynamics and relationship statuses. You may be told quite a few facts in all but what you choose to take in depends on what you are willing to see and understand at the time of getting the information. The real truths of such will happen as you choose to ignore the facts. and subsequently will be presented to you whether you want them or not! " What's hidden in the dark ALWAYS shows in the light"
We pay for it one way or another. A trickle-down effect affects us all. One bad relationship from the past someone else emotionally pays for it. One angry addict's behavior, his partner endures the debilitating toil. The women who is in an abusive relationship, it ultimately damages her worth. A person who lies and cheats pays the heaviest for his deceit... because it sacrificed his integrity and it catches up to him. Bait and switch apply to more than business tactics. We buy into with out reading between the lines and reading the reviews from prior ______________! (you fill in your own blanks)
An empath and or an introvert will find it extremely hard to hear what she can instinctively know is a lie. That quiet individual has taken in so much visualization that there will never be another way to see it. That same person who has endured the likeliness of any form of deception will be able to call out the B.S. hands down from a perpetrator or a willing victim that accepts the B.S. that is about to be handed to them on a proverbial platter! ( or who even looks like they are heading down that path). As if it has been now dutily sworn, they now know the impact that it has had and how it will happen. They will remotely shut it all down. The silent brave rebel is nothing to take on or tackle against. Speaking out or against in the most subtle of warfare. They will move about their business and daily task with stealth like motion not causing an out loud stir but will go about protecting in a tactical maneuver that she knows how. Calculated intelligence! (Feel free if you choose to apply this to your political party. It happens all the time. Although in this case, I am applying it to personal relationships related to sociology)
Not all relationships are verbally explosive, but it is the ones that claw and fight their way to get the attention they need to state their cause. They will disrupt every bit of life creating the biggest traumatic scene for crisis, drama and chaos... because that is what they know. It is learned behavior seen and mimicked. It is a scare tatic to make someone pay attention to the threats. (whether it be physical or verbal)
A man that watched his father abuse his mother, keeping her isolated from friends and family, hearing her cries in the night from the abuse will ultimately take on those same character traits. That man with a heavy hand and a hardened heart teaches his son by a living example of... its a manipulation of the control. That son as he grows to be a man takes that learned behavior and then throughout his life uses it to his advantage to get what he wants. He creates a dialogue, a verbal script to use on his willing partner to coerce his ways onto her. It is a cruel deception on his part charming words that fool the unknowing.
That same type of person will also take advantage of the other parent. Often siphoning money from because of self-entitlement and or will marry someone who can fit in that same category. Imposing the same conditions upon. It is a vicious cycle...
The dynamics in how each of us grows up play such integral parts in our lives. As a young child, I would hide under my covers (for safety) listening to my parent's fight. As a teen, I hid under my covers to be left alone.(from a noisy household. Everyone talked at one time) As an adult, I developed the need to be alone and read and study... observing and trying not to participate unless I absolutely had to! Life of an introvert and or an empath, I take on so much energy from others and my intuitive skills have helped me in ways often hard to describe. Taking my own character traits and applying them to my classes I teach and or my coaching sessions.
We each gravitate to certain types of people. We often repeat the same type of people because that what and who we identify with. There is a real thing called "Mirrored Identity" A women who has been in a series of abusive physical and emotional will ultimately gravitate to the same kind of man. She refuses to see what she has already dealt with thinking the next one will be different... sadly though the lesson before ignored and she now has the same and will endure the same outcome.
Lessons in life are repeated until learned. Behavior does not change until the actions are held accountable and recognized. How you choose to ignore the signs will affect you one way or another... past behavior unequivocably always presents itself in future behavior.
In a world of noise, how do you silence out what no longer serves? How do you pick and choose what you want to hear or who you want to hear it from? Who are you going to believe when so many things have been put in front of you and how do you decipher what your heart and intuition are telling you? What facts are you really studying and how are those facts affecting your life?
In all situations see it for what is presented and how its presented to you. Read between the lines and decipher the real facts because it is going to show up in one way or another... you will inevitably pay for it! I promise you that!
Meet Me In St. Louis
Kitryn Marie
If you would like to learn more about my personal mentoring and business coaching please like share and follow me on FaceBook to see my live streams
If you are interested in any of my art classes please visit I have open enrollment for my classes.