The Sum Of All Things

Right now with what you have to work with, look in the mirror. Assess your life! Does it add up? Can you look at where you are and with everything you have done for yourself and may have done towards another good or bad, does it make sense? Do your actions equal the sum of being a decent human being who has done the very best within oneself to do what has been best for another? Do you realize self-executive decisions are not for you to make? You do not get to make a decision for another person's life without fully understanding the consequences of that action! If the action has been self-serving to get you off the hook from a responsibility or to get you out of a situation so you do not have to take accountability for the harm and damaged you caused, one needs to look in the mirror and seriously question all motives! How do you live with yourself knowing what you did? What you caused? and all the emotional upheaval that happened because of________________...