If My Words Hit A Nerve, Ask Yourself Why It Hits A Nerve?

Typically I do not write two posts in one week, but since I am a more than a little unnerved, I felt it necessary. There is something to be said about life coaching. First and foremost though let me say, even as a coach (any of us that do coaching,) each day we deal with our own life's issues. We each have a story that has brought us to where we are! We are not above nor or any of us perfect. We all have shit to come to terms with and how we each deal depends on the rational behavior of our emotions. (I make a point to tell my people this!) Right now, to say the least, I am angered. It is said one of the healing processes of grief is; when you get to the anger stage... 1. you can talk about something without crying and 2. you are ready to take back your life by an action. An action... a call to stand up and out and do something about what happened. Nope, I am not perfect. (perfection is an entity that leaves you chasing your tail tyring to achieve something that c...