Establishing Hard Lines

If I asked you to make a wish, what would it be? Would you wish for a million dollars, a change in direction, a new house, better health, a new job, your kids to be more responsible, to stay more in contact? Would you wish for a redo, a do-over, more time... go back in time and repeat or go back in time and avoid? If you could have a wish, what would it be? My dreams haunt me. I fight and have arguments after arguments trying to get my point across. No one is harder on me than me! My standard of living is higher than most. I am simple but my mind is as complicated as it comes. I do expect people to jump through hoops because I refuse to settle for an average life and will never settle for random routine in a complex world. ... with simple minded-people who are willing to let time go by, to coerce in a club type setting or to congregate in or with addicted souls, lost trying to belong to anything or anyone that accepts them. That is where people go to pass time and...