Circumstances That Occur

Good Morning!!! How are we all looking today? Is the sun shining down on you? Do you have a kick in step? Well for all of you I truly wish that...Life is way too short for anything else!

 I can tell you from where I am sitting at this moment my feet are firmly planted on the ground and I got roots grow'n!!! I do not need spring to tell me everything will come up roses or tulips or orange blossoms! My pink office may not be complete but my ideas are colorfully unfolding and I am putting the finishing touches on what is going to happen in my life for me!

I am sure in some other writing before in the past I have mentioned "happenstance"  that cross of words where circumstance and things just happen to occur by no mere coincidence. Well I would like to think happenstance has occurred for me!

Oh don't get ahead of yourself I haven't been commissioned to paint anything fancy by the mayor. (Although I do know him personally, I don't think he even knows I paint! lol) and no HGTV hasn't discovered me either. (Although, in my world, I do believe that could really happen!LOL) What though  has happened is I do feel like I have finally found my "voice" and or "my calling" and it is more than a content feeling.

When a person finds that voice/calling it is one's own self contentment. It is rare and it is very very very hard to come by. It can not be bought and it can not be pretended. It is a soul filled fullness. That is the only way I can explain it. I think when a person finally understands their self worth and realizes what they are really good at, things if you will, start to unfold and the struggle to search isn't necessary any more. It is not to say that you still do not have to work hard at what you are doing, it is just the search has ended and now you get the end to the perfect means. The circumstance has happened.

I want to use my son Jason as an example ( I'll get back to me in a bit) Now grant it, I am very biased when it comes to my kids but there is a lesson to share here so bare with me. Jason growing up was a quiet, to himself, and a clunky kind of kid! In his world he envisioned himself in a Superman image, the duo persona of mild manner Clark Kent and the heroism of Superman. This kid of mine had an imagination and the creative brain to figure out that if he could make those two images come to life within himself he could be a better fit person. Jason for years struggled to find that place He struggled with body image and personal growth for most of his teens and earlier adulthood.. I am so very proud to say those years of searching and searching have finally paid off for him and that search has come to an end... He found his calling and his voice! and in my mind he is one of the lucky ones because he is only 28 years old! Most people go through a lifetime seeking for something they are never able to get a grasp of therefore happenstance never occurs!

With  his own self intention, his first step was to change his diet and his eating habits. His second step was to change his body image. His third step was to be associated with people who could help him stand "above" and out in a crowd...and lastly he learned that if he could educate himself on one solid bit of information he could in turn share it to help someone else if not many.( I am so proud to say with great encouragement from me and others as well, he did it!!!) Jason accomplished those two images. It was because of his own trial and error and coming into happenstance within his self that he could become both of those persona's. ( No he does not wear a cape and no he doesn't leap from tall buildings in a single bound! lol) but he has become a lifeguard. He teaches swimming to children and adults. He has taken the NASM test in personal training and he has become a body builder winning his class!!!!!!  Circumstance happened!

For me I can say most of my life, I have wanted to make a difference in peoples lives. I have wanted to bring some kind of informational awareness to those who can not see it. My creative talents and abilities came from deep inside. It wasn't what I was seeing but what I wasn't seeing that made me want to paint and write. I felt all those years of second guessing myself and trying to be like everyone else I was suppose to fit into the 9-5 mold like all the others and from where I had always stood, it just wasn't going to happen!!!! I felt the information that I was learning or gathering needed to be told.

I can say too and it is sad that I say this but when most/ if not all of your family members die, you are forced with what's left and now what do I do with what I have. When giving my eulogy for my Aunt Phyllis ' funeral,  my words spoke  " it is not what you lose but what you have left".

 At that moment I realized, it is with what you have left you share those experiences because... if it just helps one person, YOU MADE THE DIFFERENCE! and because of that happenstance, I very much would like to believe I am doing with what I set out to do!

(And as my friend, Pam Dennis recently said to me, " If it wasn't for the Alfred Hitchcock movie "The Birds" we will never again look at flocks of black birds the same"!... That one person made a "big" difference!) and she is so right!

I hope my words today are of some great encouragement to y'all! We spend a life trying to make a living maybe we should spend a living make a life! Creating circumstances that just happen!

Today as you are meandering through your own search... stop! Pull resources from your soul and look with- in you... because most likely you are closer than you think and maybe even already already have the tools!

When you realize your own "Soul Filled Fullness" your life really begins and thats when  your happenstance will occur!

Meet Me in St. Louis,
Kitryn Marie

PS...Jason just informed me he is going to be moving to small town Illinois...Metropolis! God I love my kid!

My grandbaby, Anthony in training w/ Uncle Jason!

Jason and Lou... Amazing!

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